"None of you could possibly have known. I'd never mentioned her to anyone before." Chrollo wasn't sure how he felt about it. He wasn't supposed to care about anyone outside the Troupe, and even then, any Troupe member may be replaced at any time. However, seeing you again triggered some buried sentiments that he couldn't understand. The last conversation you two had was one he had tried to forget.

"I'm not sure we should allow her to do this, it's unnecessary."

"Do you care for her, boss? Whatever happened back then is history, but we need to find a means to kill him now. She'd be the per-" Chrollo, who appears to be annoyed, abruptly cuts Phinks off. Chrollo was always cool and collected, even in tense situations, but something was amiss right now.

"I never mentioned anything about caring about her; I simply stated that I don't believe it is necessary. We can come up with a solution without using her as a 'guard' and killing her." Human life was never high on his priority list, and he was beginning to sound strange to them. "How much money will she require for this?" Is she looking for something specific? I will just hand it over to her and send her on her way."

"She wants neither of those things, her price for this was a ticket to the Black Whale." Feitan chimed in.

Chrollo's eyes widened and he placed one of his hands over the other — tensing up even more — the boat going to the dark continent?

"Why the hell does she want that?" Machi emerges from the shadows, arms crossed, enraged by the loss of two of their members. She simply wanted to eliminate their adversary and move on.

"Well, I have my own reasons, and as I previously stated, I will not take no for an answer, even if you are unable to provide me with what I require. Consider it the assistance of an old friend!" None of them had noticed you had returned to the hideout, which had been a while. You just took a few items from your apartment and spent the rest of your time listening to their chat. "Okay, that was a joke. I actually will be needing that ticket. "

"You have no idea who you'd be up against, do you know who Hisoka Morow is?" Nobunaga spoke up, finally saying what you had been waiting for, the name of their enemy.

You'd undoubtedly heard of him; most people have. You knew he'd try to kill you if you'd piqued his curiosity with your abilities; research could tell anyone that much. However, hearing his name did not change your feelings. You didn't even blink when you heard his name, instead glaring at Nobunaga for being the third person that day to belittle you.

"I don't care who he is; just cut the shit and hire me." You said this firmly, holding your head high and not caring what these people thought; they'd never seen your genuine abilities, so what the hell did they know? "And, in case you're wondering, no, teleportation isn't my power; it's just a small component of what I can do." You gave them all an arrogant grin, relishing the fact that you were a mystery to them.

"Fine, if you are willing to give your life to protect us, then that is your call." Chrollo gave you a cold glare, gently raising his brows. Deep down, he was horrified; he believed this was the worst possible idea. He had a million questions about the time you two had lost since you left Meteor City, but instead he handed you a death mission.

You smiled like a child who had just been handed candy when Chrollo finally agreed to let you have the position. You missed him more than he knew, you had lost so much in such a short period of time, and being able to spend time with him again made you so grateful you couldn't breathe. Your plans were also going smoothly for once. Things had been so chaotic in your life that you hadn't had much time to go looking for him after 'graduating' from the NGL program; instead, you had spent the previous year focusing on finding your mother and brother.

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