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Did last chapter have any texts..? 

These are bad

ALSO I accidentally switched Chongyun POV from 3rd person to 1st person last chapter. Oopsies XD 

Thanks to @__Ennuii__for mentioning me in one of their posts

Your books are amazing!!!!

anyway im boring so bye here is my fav ship



I had skipped my last class, which I knew my mum wouldn't be happy about. But that didn't matter. All that mattered was finding the boy I loved. I looked into the final corridor. It was unlit, with a toilet that no-one used, only to hide in. I pushed open the door, quietly and heard sniffles coming from one of the cubicles. "Y-yun yun?" I whispered. The sniffles stopped, and all was quiet except for the drip of a leaky tap. I say his name again, this time louder and he responded. "I-i get it Xingqiu. Y-you d-don't want to date me. N-no one d-does" His voice is crackly and broken, and it makes my heart snap. "Chongyun. I demand you leave the cubicle now!" I command. The door clicks open and.. he looks terrible. His eyes are red, his face is stained and wet, his hair is ruffled and his shirt is untucked.  I can't help myself. I lean forward and kiss him on the cheek, and then on the mouth. His eyes are wide open in shock and he steps back. "Y-you like me?" He says, red as a jeuyen chilli pepper. I smile, blushing slightly. "Duh."

I leant forward in Chongyun's bed, steering my kart to the left. "FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRRRRST!!" I shout, chucking my controller in the air. Chongyun pouts as he crosses the finish line second place. "How are you so good at everything?" Chongyun says, spamming the X button to skip the scores. I lean over to kiss him on the cheek and he blushes bright red. "Awwww, you haven't even seen half of what I can do." I say, winking. He turns even redder and jumps away from my face, which is nuzzling his neck. "Ugh, ew!! I didn't know you were so dirty!!" I laugh hysterically. "You hang out with Childe and Lumine everyday! You should be used to this!!" Chongyun and I burst out laughing. I roll on my back, near the edge and Chongyun climbs up on the bed, eyes shut. But then he's on top of me. The laughter stops as quickly as it started. He  stays there and leans into kiss me. The door slams open and our head shoot up. Albedo and Kaeya have entered, and are staring right at us. Chongyun rolls off me and I imagine that we both look guilty. "Am I intruding?" Kaeya says with a smirk. Albedo covers his face with a hand. "Kaeya. Leave them. We can go to my room. I'm so sorry about him, guys" I give my friend a thankful smile as the ash-blonde pulls his boyfriend out of the room. I grin at Chongyun. "Now, where were me, my leige."


"My liege, wake up..." Chongyun stretches and looks to his left, turning red. Xingqiu is laying next to him. "We slept in!!" The hydro user shakes Chongyun awake. He groans and rolls over to look at his clock. "Oh shit!! Class starts in 30 minutes!"  Xingqiu picks up his shirt from the floor and runs into the toilet. I look around for my school clothes and a place to change into them, just as my phone pings. Its Hu and the others

Who's Tao: Guys ping @Popisclesi think he's fcking his bf

lumie: they got together in the end???

Who's Tao: idk doubt it hes to lame >:)

VentiTheBard: @Popsicles @Popsicles @Popsicles @Popsicles@Popsicles

Popsicles: what do u wanttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

Eetherrrrrrr: omgee hes alive

fireworks: when did u 4gib him

Eetherrrrrrr: omg thx for reminding me miya i hate u chongyun

baron bunny: we wanna know where u were last night... we were going out for dinner remember?????

XiaoAdepto: hutao missed u.



Popsicles: anyways igtg get ready for school bye </3

tartaglia: u didnt answer our questionsssss

"Babe? I'm done, its your turn!!" B-babe? Chongyun turns red and gathers his clothes to change in the bathroom of the dorm. Babe babe babe XINGQIU CALLED ME BABE. That was all the icy boy could think as he undressed. "Baby... Madame Ping is not gonna be happy if we're late!!" Chongyun turned red and had to splash cold water on his face to stop the blush. "S-sorry Xing" He mumbled as he left the bathroom. Xingqiu stood at the door, bag in hand. "Your face is wet..." He leans in to kiss Chongyun's lips. "Xing! Come on we're gonna be late to class." The ice-haired boy grabs his boyfriend's hand and runs out of the messy dorm room.

"WAIT WHAT WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ANYTHING" Chongyun and his boyfriend turned red as Hu Tao shouted at them. They had walked into Madame Ping's class holding hands and given Hu Tao a heart attack. The whole class was gaping at them. Only Albedo seemed unsurprised and when Hu Tao ran her amber eyes over the class she noticed that. "You told HIM??" The black haired girl shrieked. "Hu Tao!! Calm the fuck down!! We didn't tell him, ok? He just came in when- when we were uhh..."                                                                                                                                             "Kissing." Xingqiu finished off the sentence for him. "Albedo and Kaeya came to Chongyun's dorm and we were making out." Chongyun's eyes bug out of his head as his cheeks turn pink. "Oh my god Xingqiu. You are so lucky I love you.."

END </3

this was cringy

there will be ✨drama✨ next chapter 

should i do a one shot book??????????????????????

lmao imagine having people read your book

and imagine having more that two followers

wow cant relate NAH JK


fun fact: cuz of this book ive been building my xingqiu and chongyun XD

bye </3

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