Chapter 2

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This is going to have more Xingqiu in it I swear

Also now I have 11 views that's good for me as I have Bennett's luck with posts

Also Ice Queen is Ayaka and fandango is scaramouche. I may not add him in but I really wanna do the joke ToT





I watched Xiangling cook up a feast at the restaurant. "What's is this even for again?" I ask her, bored. She looks up from the chillies she's slicing. "Xinyan's birthday party! Duh." I glare at her, just as my phone pings. It's a notification from the school tutoring system. I signed up to be a tutor, and I had already been assigned someone. "Look! Someone wants to study with me!" I shove my  phone in her face, waving it around. "Finally, now get out of my kitchen!"

I sit at the library table, texting my friends.

generalfoxie: KAZUHA. as son of a military captain, I would like it if you didn't treat me like a puppy.

samurai: thennnnnn how come your tail wags when I pat ur head?

generalfoxie: *growls*

MyLiege: istg if u guys do this when I'm tutoring I will rain slash u

MermaidGirl: b afraid. B very afraid

Albehdo: *cowers in fear*

MyLeige: srsly?! You too?

generalfoxie: #trendsetter ;0

samurai: u didn't trend set shit

generalfoxie: JEALOUS #hatersgonnahate

I shake my head as I put my phone on silent. I pick up the next volume of Rex Lapis, just as I hear someone clear their throat. "Hmm?" I turn around, to see a bright red Chongyun, holding his books. "H-hi again..." he stammers. My eyes widen as I realise. I am tutoring my crush for the rest of the year. "You're here for tutoring, correct?" I ask. He answers with a quick nod. My heart hammers as I pull out a chair for him and he drops his books on the desk, with a thud.


Chongyun is bright red as Xingqiu works him through Maths problems. "You see, x=8 because y=3 and a=4x6 blah blah blah..." Chongyun zones out of the  Maths lesson and instead watches Xingqiu's lips. How much he wanted to kiss them... "Do you understand? Hello? Teyvat to Chongyun!" Chongyun snaps out of his reverie and faces the boy. "S-sorry. I zoned out... can you help me?" Xingqiu rolls his eyes. This time, Chongyun really tries, so his crush doesn't think he's an idiot.


"Hmm.. yeah that's right Chongyun, good job, your getting it!" I give the icy blue haired boy a quiet applause. "I'm gonna read this book, ok? You ask me if you need anything." He replies with a nod.  I check the time and notice the ridiculous amount of notifications from HilliChat. I open them and they are all from my friends. They usually don't spam this much but I think they are trying to annoy me when I'm tutoring. The notifications keep coming so I slide open one of the messages and start reading them.

samurai: jealous? Pfffffft no way foxboy 

Ice Queen: GUYS do u think aether likes me.?

MermaidGirl: OOH OOH Xingqiu ask Chongyunnnnnnnnnn

MyLiege: i am tutoring him.....

Albehdo: you are?!

XianglingRamsey: that's mah boi 

rockstar: guys my bday party is this weekend and I'm inviting everyone, even aether so ayaka u can talk to him thennnn


Ice Queen: he likes guys that are underage yet hungover??

generalfoxie: sure seems like it

samurai: rejected 😫

Ice Queen: stfu Kazuha 


"Xing...qiu, I'm done" he turns around to look at Chongyun, and makes a slight hmmm? Noise. "Well...." the dark blue haired boy starts, " we still have an hour left of our allotted time... we could go get ice cream!" Chongyuns eyes widen "L-like on a date?" He says quietly. He is immediately embarrassed that he let this through his filter. "Would you like it to be?"  Xingqiu replies sneakily.  Chongyun turns bright red, shaking his head "N-no lets go as.. friends. We are friends, right?" Now it's Xingqius turn to become a valberry. He bends down to pick up stuff off he table, so Chongyun doesn't see it.

They left their stuff in the dorms and head to the park outside of the Academy, right in time for the ice cream truck. Neither boys know what to say. "D-do you have HilliChat?" Chongyun asks slowly

"Hmm? Oh, yes.. here's mine. MyLiege." Chongyun typed it into his phone and sent a message for confirmation.

Popsicles: ⛄️⛄️

Xingqiu smiles and replies with

MyLeige: 🖕💅

The other boy shows mock offence but smiles anyway as the slide their phones into their pockets laughing. 


It's 801 words ;-;

There was less texting wow 😭

If you wanna talk ab genshin with me pls dm

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K bye 💖

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