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-Avery's writing in her diary. She started doing it after her older sister Elena bought her first diary and started doing it-

'Everyday here in San Diego gets harder and harder as I learn to face more and new challenges about being by myself. I miss Jeremy. I miss Damon. I kind of miss Elena. I left Mystic Falls to start over my life. Start fresh. I had so much drama going on in Mystic Falls that I couldn't do it anymore and left. I left Jeremy and Elena a note in their rooms at about 5:00am when I first left our house. Even though it's hard for me to be without my best friend Damon and my little brother Jeremy and older sister Elena, it was nice to start fresh and have a new clean slate. On the bright side, San Diego was very nice, the weather, the people, the food, it would be better if I had the people I cared about with me though. I have been living in San Diego for about a month and a half, I had a friend of mine who lived here, although they moved away but signed the lease over to me for their house so I had somewhere to stay. It was very sweet of her to do for me.'

I decided to stop writing and decided to walk around in the area. It was getting dark but I could make it back before it gets really dark.

I grab my phone and then leave my house and lock it quickly with my key as I start to walk away and start to walk down town.

I walk through a group of people when someone bumps into me and I get frustrated easily.

"Watch where your!-" I say but cut myself as I see the face of a blonde. She looks beautiful. I think as I cut myself off as she also looks at me.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't watch where I was going, to many god damn bloody people around here" She says and I chuckle a little bit.

"No I'm sorry, I definitely overreacted, I think I may have anger issues, I just don't know how to control them sometimes heh" I say nervously as she looks a little suspicious of me when I said that.

Now that I think of it when I was describing my anger issues it kind of sounded like I was a wolf? But I'm not. Wait- does she know about the supernatural? No she can't.

"Um anyways, yeah well it was nice to meet you but it's getting dark I think I'm gonna be heading home" I say and the blonde slowly nods at me.

"Have a nice evening" She says and I nod and walk away and start to walk back to my house.

It then starts to get really dark and I groan as I realize the only way for me to get home is for me to pass by this alley way that has these guys there.

They always find me attractive and always hit on me and I hate it. I was not having it tonight though. I didn't get enough sleep last night and I was pissed off by literally everything in the world.

So I just prayed that guys weren't there when I walked through and I almost made it out when someone called out my name.

"Hey! Avery was it? Yeah I see your back again tonight, and looking sexy as usual" A big guy says as he steps out of the shadows with his crew.

"Yeah I know I'm sexy and hot, but I'm really not in the fucking mood right now so stay the hell away from me so I can get home" I say and they all laugh slightly as they all start to come around and circle me.

The big guy, I think his name is Chris, he walks up to me and I have no where to go as the other guys circle me.

Chris walks up to me and tries to touch my face and I grab his hand with mine to prevent him from touching me.

"Keep your hands off of me" I say coldly and the other guys winch as a joke as they laugh.

"But your so pretty" He says making a pout face and I kick him where it hurts as he falls to the ground in pain

"And I wasn't asking" I say and the other guys are in shock as one other guys comes up from behind me and holds my arms down roughly against my body.

I try to protest but he's to strong against me and I find myself not able to move.

"Got anything to say... beautiful?" Chris says as he forcefully grabs my chin roughly and looks me in the eyes.

"Go. To. Hell" I say slowly and coldly as he slaps me across the face and his nails dug into my skin which started to make my face bleed as the other guy let go of me and I fell to the ground as I winched.

"Enough! Step away from the girl!" A accent that I've heard before shouts. The men turn around and I see the girl I say from earlier who bumped into me.

"Well well, who might you be?" Chris says.

"That's none of your concern, just let the girl go" The blonde that I saw from earlier said.

"Your also very pretty, I guess I'll do it, but see you next time, Avery" Chris says and I get up and walk over to him and slap him and walk away.

I walk out of the alley way with the blonde following shortly after me. I hold my face in my hand as blood seeps through my fingers and drips down my hand.

"Are you alright? He did that to you" The blonde says as she walks beside me.

"Yeah no shit sherlock" I say and she scoffs. "I just helped you, you could at least be nice to me" She says and I sigh.

"Fine, thanks for your help" I say and continue walking and she stops walking.

"Wait! Your name is Avery right?" She asks and I stop and turn and look at her.

"Yeah, what's your name?" I ask.

"Rebekah" She says smiling and I slightly smile as well.

"Well, Rebekah, thanks for the help tonight, but I need to go back to my house, I guess I'll see you around?" I ask.

"Um no I'm actually leaving tomorrow" She says and I frown slightly.

"Oh... well maybe we'll find each other again in the future" I say and she smiles and laughs.

"Maybe, well goodbye Avery, it was nice meeting you" The blonde says and I smile.

"You too, Rebekah" I say and smile as she walks away and I turn and go home. The entire way home I was thinking of Rebekah.

Hey guys! Do y'all like this? If you do let me know! I might update again today or something but we'll see! Have a good day or night!

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