Family Estate

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    As they pulled up to the driveway the iron gates slowly creaked open. They pulled into the paved driveway surrounded a large two-story colonial type home. There was a man standing on the porch in a crisp butler suit. He had red hair, green eyes, and was lean and muscular. He immediately came to the vehicle and helped them unpack to take their belongings inside.
        "Hello, my name is Marcus. And you must be Phaedra And Tommy.Good evening Miss Chloe, it's good to see you again."
          Marcus unloaded the little blue car and escorted the little family inside the foyer after the greetings. Inside of the foyer set an older gentleman and woman who Phaedra recognized as her grandparents from her mothers portrait album. However they did not look old enough to be her grandparents. Her grandfather had brown hair and blue eyes he was well fit. Her grandmother was perfection. She had a sandy blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. Her grandmother was well styled in a long flowing yellow maxi dress. She must've been a model, or had a serious amount of Botox. The pair stood and swept Chloe into their arms and hugged her tightly whispering of how they loved, missed her, and were so glad she was home.
     "Phaedra, you are more beautiful than I could've imagined. You looks so much like your mother when she was just a pup" Her grandmother gushed. That was an odd thing to say Phaedra thought.
          The pair wrapped the two children in their embrace and dismissed everyone to their rooms to settle in for the evening. Marcus escorted everyone to their rooms. Phaedra can't believe how big this house was. Chloe would be staying in her old room. Tommy's room was dark blue with a full size bed. It had a sports memorabilia theme, with an awesome electronic setup including gaming systems and and a 50" tv. No doubt the kid's dream come true. Phaedra's room was a soft pink color, with a white bed spread and lace curtains. The wall was lined with a ceiling to floor bookshelf, a vanity with lights, and beautiful mahogany desk. When she went to the closet and opened it, it was a large walk-in that was full to the brim with name brand and designer clothes and shoes. Her family must be loaded. Where would she even wear this nice of clothing? She arranged her belongings and went to her private bathroom which was white tiled with a shower-tub combo. She quickly showered and changed into some comfortable clothes. There was a knock at her bedroom door, when she opened it Marcus was standing on the other side. He led her to the dinning room where maids placed restaurant worthy steak, baked potatoes, corn, and salad in front of her. Her mother and Tommy looked happy, and her grandparents talked to them like they have never missed a beat. They discussed their plans for the next morning which included starting school at the local high school and elementary, and Chloe starting her job at the hospital. Her grandparents talked about the importance of education and continuing their family legacy. Whatever that meant. Phaedra was exhausted and excused herself from dinner, as she was exhausted from the changes and everything all at once. When she opened her door to her bedroom, she couldn't help but feel like a princess in her new room, no matter how crazy it all seemed. She laid there with so many thoughts running through her mind. She hoped that somehow she could fill the empty void inside of her being surrounded by her family. She was determined to make the best of this situation. Phaedra was broken but deep inside she had this strange feeling that everything was going to be okay.Maybe this would be their final place to settle down. She laid her head to face the beautiful balcony that was illuminated by the night sky. Her 18th birthday was 2 weeks away and it the feeling of something coming settled into her soul. She had this weird itch over take her skin like it was soaking up the moonlight as her mind drifted off to the man she saw in the gas station and it didn't take long for her to fall into a peaceful sleep.

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