04| Wrong Or Right

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The next day passed. I walked into the grill. I saw Elena and smiled. She turned to me. "Katerina, how are you?". "I'm good, how are you?". "I'm good". Klaus and Kol walked in the grill. Elena looked over at them. "We should probably go".

I looked over in her direction. "Yeah, your right". We were both walking out of the grill. "Leaving so soon?". "Yes, we are". "At least let us buy you a drink?". "We're fine". "Come on love, just one?". "We said no Klaus, leave us alone".

"You see, I don't think I really like that, I'll be seeing you two tonight". "No, you won't, because we won't be seeing you". "We'll see about that". Me and Elena walked out of the grill and back to the Salvatore house.

"Elena, what does he mean by that?". "I have no idea, but whatever it is, we need to be alert at all times". I nodded. "What is Klaus on about?". Stefan and Damon walked in the living room. "He said that he'll be seeing us tonight, I have no idea what he's talking about?".

"That means, he knows that me and Katerina are here, so he'll be here at night, I guess just lock all the doors?". "It doesn't work that way Elena, Klaus is an 1000 year old hybrid, he's most likely going to break the door down easily". "But he needs to be invited in?". "He'll get some witchy-juju to do it for him".

"So, if he's coming here, how are me and Elena going to be safe?". "We'll stay up all night, while you and Elena get some rest". "Seriously, that's the plan?". "Yep". "But, what if you and Stefan get hurt, me and Elena can't defend ourselves?". "True, but we'll just be with you, at all times".

"Okay, I'm tired, I'm going to get some rest, night everyone". Elena went up and slept in Damon's bed. I stared at the fire. "Katerina, what's wrong?". "I'm scared Damon, I can't help thinking about Klaus". "Don't worry about it, me and Stefan will be here". "Okay". I fell asleep on the sofa.

Damon watched over me. He drank bourbon and stared at me. Stefan walked in. "Is she not sleeping in my room?". "Just leave her, she's exhausted, I don't want to wake her". "You love her, don't you?". Stefan said smiling. "No, I'm just looking out for her".

"Say what you want to say Damon, but I know the truth". There was a knock on the door. "Wonder who that could be?". Stefan opened it. Klaus and Elijah were there. "May we come in, oh that's right, absolutely we can". Klaus and Elijah walked in.

Damon and Stefan frowned. Klaus looked over at me. "The poor thing, look at her, exhausted, doesn't even know what's happening". "Why are you here Klaus?". "To collect Elena and Katerina". "Your not taking them". "What are you going to do, stop me?". Klaus laughed.

"Where's Elena?". "She's asleep upstairs, so don't try any funny business". I groaned slightly and turned over still asleep. Everyone looked at me. "If you wake her, your dead". Damon snapped. "Protective much, aren't you?".

Klaus walked over to me. He stroked my hair and face with his fingers gently. "So fragile and delicate, be a shame to have her broken, oh wait, I already succeeded in that". Klaus smirked.

Pretend you are Elena and Damon is Klaus:

Pretend you are Elena and Damon is Klaus:

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"Don't Klaus". Klaus walked back over to them. "Alright then, how about me and Elijah stay here till they wake up". "Your not staying here". "Aren't we, do you really want us to kill them?". They stayed quiet. "Good". Klaus took a seat, watching over me.

It had turned light. I woke up slightly. I saw Damon. I smiled at him. He did the same. "Morning love". I gasped and jumped up. I saw Klaus sat down on a chair smiling. "What the hell are you doing here?".

"Now, is that any way to treat a guest?". "Your no guest, Damon, what is he doing here?". "I couldn't do anything Katerina, I'm sorry". I nodded. I slowly got up and walked to the kitchen. "Elena?". I shouted.

She came rushing downstairs. "Katerina?". I turned to her. "Elena, we need to go". "Why what's wro-". She saw Klaus. "Why are you here?". "That depends love, I'm here for your blood and Katerina for my successes". "No, we're not going anywhere with you".

"Elena, we're going to be late for school". "Your right, we need to go". "Bye Damon and Stefan". "Bye girls". Me and Elena walked out of the door. "Well, in the mean time, Elijah and I will get Kol". "Kol, what do you need Kol for?". "That's for us to know and for you to dot, dot, dot".

Elijah and Klaus walked out of the house. "Elena, Katerina, your here". Caroline rushed up to us and hugged us. "We're here". We both said. Time passed. We arrived at the Salvatore house. Klaus, Elijah and Kol were at the house. "What are you all doing here?". Damon and Stefan walked in the room.

"I'm sorry Elena and Katerina". "What?". Klaus vamp sped to me and pinned me down. He got his claws out and held my face down. I grabbed onto his wrist. "Klaus don't". I was breathing heavily. Elijah walked towards us.

"Niklaus, we're not going to do anything in the mean time, but we could play a game?". I looked at Elijah, still grabbing onto Klaus.

Pretend you are Cora, Deucalion is Elijah and Klaus is Ennis:

Pretend you are Cora, Deucalion is Elijah and Klaus is Ennis:

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"Fine, how about we turn Katerina and Elena?". "What, no please". I grabbed Klaus's wrist, but nothing worked. "You both could live 17 for the rest of your lives". "No, no, please". "You don't have a choice love".

Klaus bit his wrist and forced it in my mouth. I drank his blood and was crying. He took his wrist off. I gasped and spat some of his blood out of my mouth. "This will only hurt a second". He held my head in his hands. He quickly snapped my neck.

I felt darkness. Elijah bit his wrist and forced it in Elena's mouth. He quickly snapped her neck, as she dropped to the floor. "There two newborn vampires". Klaus smiled.

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