Zainab and David: SENIOR II

Start from the beginning

Zainab fusses for about  a minute then takes paper towel and wraps it on her hand. She takes out the brush and throws it into a plastic bag.

She rushes out to meet Sandra. "While you were in there, I asked around for where the event would take place. It's down this hallway" Sandra points down a hallway " you'll hear soft music as you head down there."

"Okay thanks. Aren't you gonna walk down with me"

"Nah. I didn't dress nice enough. And also they said you are to arrive in your car and come in on the red carpet" Sandra adds

"But I have no car "

" You need to do this cause David is a big deal. Try calling him and explain the situation"

"Okay" she starts dialing his number

"Imma leave now. My mum would soon notice I'm gone." Sandra gives her a quick hug "bye and slay this girl"

"Thanks bye" Zainab waves back "hello? Yes I'm at the venue. Why didn't you tell me? Where are you? Let your 5 minutes be 5 minutes. I'm upset ofcourse. You didn't ask you....
.............hello? Are you there?  This idiot hung up on me" Zainab stares at the phone in disbelief

Zainab makes her way through the side exit to the parking lot of the hotel where she would meet David. A black limousine pulls up in front of her. A window rolls down and she's met with David's smiley face " hop in "

The valet comes to open the door. She whoops the valet with her small purse " I'll do this myself thank you" she yanks the door open and shuffles in to David's side. The valet closes the door.

David shakes his head in humour " Zainab you are one tough cookie huh?"

"I'm not happy with you" she looks out through the window at her side
The limo starts moving

"What now?"

"You hung up on me while I was talking"

"I'm sorry you sounded really upset and I couldn't deal with that. I promise to never do that again" David holds her hand " do you forgive me?"

"Yeah whatever" Zainab mumbles

"Excellent. By the way, Zain you are on fire tonight. You look so nice right now. I can't wait to show you off to all those paparazzi as my date. " David's eyes rake her body

"You look handsome too" Zainab shyly compliments

"I know I look handsome but I like the way you said it"

The limo stops at the beginning of the red carpet. The valet walks to the door to open it.
David grabs her hand " get ready to answer tons of questions and try not to get blinded by the lights"

The door opens and David comes out with Zainab right after him. He places his hand on her lower back as they walk forward.

Paparazzi attack them with questions. "David who is this beautiful lady" "what's the name of your gorgeous date" "how is she related to you" "do you plan on making a statement tonight"

"This is Zainab. My date tonight and girlfriend" David smiles "we've been dating for a few weeks now and I just decided to finally show her off. She's stunning, isn't she? A rare kind" he flashes a killer smile her direction and then the cameras

Zainab smiles but she knows all this is for show .

A Lady approaches Zainab and tells her to walk up the stairs alone so they can take pictures. David excorts her to the foot of the wide stairs and lets her continue forward.

Zainab catwalks up the stairs making eye contact with the camera in their stations. She smiles and waves. Even sends kisses.

David gazes in admiration from afar.

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