Chapter 28

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Waverly opened her jewellery box, taking out the butterfly necklace, putting it on, looking at her reflection in the mirror of her dressing table. I'll wear this forever, she thought, I'll keep this on to keep me connected to you. She felt in her pocket, the tin soldier and the coin Nicole gave her safe, her fingers running over them for reassurance.

Wynonna entered, sitting on the bed, watching her sister. "That's very pretty. A gift from James, I'm guessing."

Waverly made no response, other than a shake of the head, putting her hand on the charm which sat perfectly on her neck. She turned to face her sister, wanting to be anywhere but in that room, wanting to be with Nicole.

Wynonna forced a smile, hoping what she had to say would be accepted, understood at least. "Father's visit to the Palace went better than expected. The Queen is annoyed such a situation has to come to light, especially now, but she doesn't feel it's a large enough scandal to merit his immediate resignation."

"So, I can be with Nicole?" Waverly asked. "That's good news, isn't it?"

"It is good news, my petal," Wynonna began, pausing to study her sister's face. "Except, the Queen made one condition to father if he is to be considered for the position of Prime Minister."

"What condition? Wyn, what's the condition?"

"You must be married within a month."

Waverly heard the words her sister uttered, the room suddenly becoming smaller, walls closing in. Her hands shook, blood pounding in her ears, her heart banging on her ribcage. "No, that's not fair. Why? Wyn, why?"

"Because," Wynonna replied, turning away to avoid seeing the sadness in Waverly's eyes. "The Queen does not recognise your relationship with Nicole. She doesn't want it to be an example, given who you are. Given who Nicole is. It sends the wrong message."

"She can't. She can't order me to marry. That's my choice."

"I know. I understand, my petal. You're right, she can't order you to marry anyone. Nor can she personally fire father. But, her influence is such father would have little choice but to resign if it were known he displeased the Queen. You are lucky she likes father, otherwise the outcome could have been far worse."

"Lucky! Being ordered to marry is not lucky. I won't. Not for the Queen. Not for father. I love Nicole, do you hear? I love her. It would be a lie if I married someone else."

"James is still willing to consider you as his wife," Wynonna replied. "Under the circumstances that's extremely generous of him. He could easily have refused, but he respects father, knows this is in everyone's best interest and is prepared to do the decent thing."

"No!" Waverly shouted. "I'm not marrying James. I don't love him. He's not who I want to be with. Wyn, please, this is cruel. It will kill me."

"I'm so sorry. I wish there was another way. I wish I could give you what you want to make you happy."

"Everyone is telling me what to do. Everyone. And, I have no say in the matter. None."

"You like James," Wynonna offered, knowing what Waverly was saying was true, not knowing any other way out of the predicament. "Marriage isn't so bad. Waverly it resolves the matter."

"But, it's a lie," Waverly yelled, her eyes filling, trapped in a situation from which she was unable to escape. "It would be a lie. For everyone's convenience, but my own."

Wynonna wanted to comfort her sister, unable to do so, her heart telling her she was betraying Waverly instead. "At least consider it. For father's sake. And, mama's."

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