Chapter 5

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Wynonna did her best to console Waverly, knowing whatever she thought of Nicole, however angry she was at her for having put her sister's life at risk, she had no intention of upsetting Waverly. She suggested they go find Ellie, whom she said was missing her, Nicole agreeing the porcelain doll probably felt lonely and in need of a cuddle. Waverly went with Wynonna reluctantly, returning almost immediately with Ellie in her arms, sitting on Nicole's bed refusing to move.

Wynonna motioned with her head she needed to speak with Nicole privately, sensing the task of getting her alone would be near impossible given how clingy Waverly had become. Nicole sensed this too, telling Waverly she needed to use the bathroom and would be back shortly, Waverly looking anxiously as Nicole headed towards the door, Wynonna close behind.

As soon as she was out of the room, Wynonna dragged Nicole downstairs, hoping they were far enough away to talk without being overheard. "Look, Waverly nearly died because of you. And, you act like it's no big thing. When Willa finds out."

"I understand. I'm sorry. I know what I did. I know we so very nearly...I can't change what happened, but I promise I'll never do anything like that ever again."

"You had better not. And, don't mention anything about being sent abroad. She's too young to understand. She thinks you're going away forever. She's only seven."

"Is this what it's like having a little sister?" Nicole asked. "It's rather charming having someone who looks up to you. I've never had that."

Wynonna nodded. "That's why you have to be extra careful. She really does think you're a pirate. Everything you say to her is real."

"I know that now. I'll look after her. I promise."

"We both look after her," Wynonna replied, holding out her hand by way of a peace offering, Nicole shaking it. "Deal."


The sound of footsteps on the stairs alerted them to Waverly's presence, doll in her arms, wondering where they had got to. Nicole took her hand, leading her back to the bedroom, Wynonna deciding it was safe enough leaving them to play dolls, heading off downstairs to read.

The doctor arrived mid-morning to check on Nicole, Waverly's eyes were fixed on him as he removed the bandage from Nicole's wrist, making tiny movements to check mobility, nodding as Nicole winced in pain with every rotation. "Good, good," he said, turning to Nicole's mother who too was watching what he was doing. "Bad sprain, as I said yesterday. No bones broken. Keep it bound for now. No more adventures until it is mended young girl."

Nicole waited until the doctor turned his back before sticking out her tongue, earning a stern look from her mother and a nervous laugh from Waverly. The doctor swung his head round to see why Waverly was making a noise, her cheeks flushing as his less-than friendly eyes met hers. Nicole's mother thanked the doctor, following him out of the bedroom, their shoes thudding on the wooden stairs as they descended.

"Can I bandage your arm?" Waverly asked once they were alone.

"Perhaps tomorrow. It hurts too much. That doctor made it worse with all his prodding and twisting. It was mending until he did what he did."

"Is it very painful?"

"Won't stop me climbing. I bet I can climb faster and higher with one arm. You wait."

"Red, you mustn't. What if you fall? You might hurt your other arm. Or, your leg. Or, head."

"Not much good as a pirate if I can't climb. Don't worry Wiggle, if I land on my head I'll wind up dead, and that'll be the end of Red. Dead Red. Red dead. Which sounds better?"

The Pirate & The Porcelain Doll (WAYHAUGHT)Where stories live. Discover now