12 - Operation Meliorn

Start from the beginning

"What?" I ask.

"You know? Because of the addiction, Raphael told us, but you should know now that he's in charge he's ensuring no one else bites you," Clary says. Jace and Izzy's eyes snap to me and my anger only seems to grow for this girl. I hate her. I might not have liked her, but it's official. She is the person I most hate in the world.

"You're addicted to Yin Fen?" Izzy asks as she looks to me. I stay silent as I continue to glare at Clary. I can't believe she has just announced my past addiction to everyone, she has no right whatsoever. I hate her.

"You're high right now, aren't you, Maelys?" Jace asks, his voice coming across harsh. My eyes move from Clary to my brother before dropping to my trembling hand. I can't do this. Without a word I turn and walk away. "Hey, I'm talking to you," Jace snaps as he storms after me. A swoosh sounds behind me and I turn to see Simon now standing between me and Jace.

"Come on, man, just leave her alone," Simon says in my defence. I look away from them both as they stare at each other, both glaring, and I walk to the small wall away from the group. I take a seat on it and run my hands over my face. They know. They all know now. Thanks to Clary they all know my weakest and most shameful moment.

"Can we please focus on the matter at hand? Unless no one here cares that the Clave is planning on murdering Meliorn," Izzy sighs, anger slipping into her voice.

"What?" Clary and Simon gasp.

"They think Meliorn has more information on Valentine and the attack then he's saying," Jace explains to the wannabe shadowhunter.

"They're taking him to the Silent Brothers," Izzy says. Clary begins to speak again, but I don't listen. I can't because the sound of her voice makes me want to rip my own face off. My hands continue to tremble in front of me and my craving for Yin Fen only seems to grow. Maybe it's because I'm stood outside the DuMort, the same place I would come to sneak a bite. I really want to cry right now and trying to hold it back is making my cravings worst.

"We can't go in alone, not if we don't want to be detected," Clary's voice fills my ears.

"My pack will track the unit, create a distraction," Luke says and I feel more uneasy. Great, wolves and vampires, exactly what I want.

"I would suggest vampires, but I doubt they'll cooperate," Simon says and Jace scoffs.

"You want to ask help from the people who have been sucking my sister dry for however long?" he snaps. I clench my jaw and stand up. I can't be here anymore.

"Mae, where are you going?" Izzy asks as I begin walking away.

"To get Meliorn seeing as all everyone else wants to do is talk about my past," Venom in my voice as I snap back.

"You can't go in alone, Maelys," Clary calls. I slip a throwing knife into my hand and without giving anyone a moment to blink, I spin around and throw it at her. It skims her face and lands in the wall behind her. She stares at me with wide eyes, completely startled by my hostility.

"Shut up, Clary! Just stay the hell out of my life!" I yell in rage before marching away from them. I hate everything right now. I hate Jace, I hate Clary, and I hate the fact that my shaky hand is the reason I missed my shot on the bitch who ruined my life.


I stand outside the City of Bones staring at the entrance. Meliorn is going to brought this way by some team of shadowhunters. I don't care who they are, I'm stopping them from killing Meliorn. My arms are crossed over my chest to stop my hands from shaking as I focus. These emotions I'm experiencing right now are going to make me frantic and lose sight of what's important. Killing Clary isn't what I need to be doing right now, saving Meliorn and returning him to my parabatai safely.

Monster or Angel - Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now