he's standing right in front of me

194 6 36

Word Count: 5433

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

To be fair, I have no idea how I got here.

The only memory of my trip to the mortal world was being escorted hurriedly towards... somewhere...

It's fine though, I just accepted the fact that I've been on earth for ten years, and demons hate me.

Angels hate me too, but not too much. Some come to visit me, but they'd tell me nothing. Absolutely nothing about the beyond, nor the underworld.

Oh- why do they hate me, do you ask?

No? You didn't ask me?

Well I might just pretend like you didn't say that.

They hate me because I'm not like them. I'm not an angel nor a demon, but I was born to an angel family... or demon family? The legal shit doesn't even make sense anymore (who's custody am I under?), but all I know is that I'm half demon, half angel.

I know that it's cliche, it's like all the books I've read about our kind, though they're all fiction, nothing like what we're actually like. All the main characters are half demon, half angel, and for whatever reason, everyone hates them.

But there's more to this, there's more to my story, you could say, because I'm not unlike everyone else, I found someone who was like me...

And he's standing right in front of me.

I was just walking down the hall when I felt a flash of a strong aura. It sent a weak shiver down my spine, and a pins and needles sensation poked at my fingertips. I turned at the gut feeling that told me that it was someone of my kind, but when I turned, it was just a normal boy, an enderman- well, normal except for the fact that he was tall. By tall, I mean tall. He was a pillar or something.

His eyes landed on mine, they were beautiful, one green, one red.

They were like mine, but I hid mine behind (E/C) contacts.

"(Y/N)?" I heard my friend call down the hall, and I snapped my head back to him, purple eyes meeting mine. "Come on."

I turned back to the boy, his eyes still on me, and the pins and needles feeling not going away, making my fingers throb slightly. "Sorry-" I apologized to the boy, "coming, Purpled!" I turned on my heels, walking away to meet Purpled in the middle of the hall.

He looked normal enough though... Was it just my senses being weird?

No- I look normal enough too. I disguise myself by hiding my wings, practically painting foundation on to cover my two toned skin and covering my pointed ears with fluffy prosthetics that allowed me to look like a goat hybrid, since they were pretty common, and I could let my horns hang about. They looked enough like a goat's.

"Hey, you okay?" Purpled raised a brow towards me, and I nodded quickly, maybe too quickly.

"Yeah! Sorry- just spacing out... y'know what gym class does to my brain."

"Right." Purpled raised a brow, unsatisfied with my answer, but I gave him a reassuring smile, trying my best to tell him that I was okay.

Purpled was my best friend, and he was some sort of alien hybrid. He never really revealed much about his identity, but I felt like it was fair enough, I don't tell him much either about mine.

But I mean, I wouldn't even believe my own story, the humans on earth don't really believe in the beyond nor the underworld, it was just a religion that took over the world in the medieval times, that's all.

I Want You Dead || Angel AU || PLATONIC Ranboo X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें