chapter one rewrite

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Lila Rossi was a liar and a good one at that she just have tell what people wanted to hear and boom she have them under her complete control she was unstoppable until she met her... the pain in her rear end Marinette Dupain-cheng was the girl that could ruin everything for her she was a goddess in that school, but Marinette thinks she can take down a god. She will make her regret the day she stood up to her! But Lila didn't want to put in more work than she have to do she tried to get Marinette expelled it almost worked. But no thanks to Adrien she had to make a lie to keep the girl in school she would have to make Adrien pay for that one day but not today.
Lila was in her room she had a journal in her hands she was writing down ideas to get rid of the pest. She marked out ideas when her mother called her. She rolled her eyes not wanting to deal what her mother wanted but got up anyway to see what she needed "yes mamma?" Lila said looking at her mother her mother looked worried about something "Lila do you remember your cousin?" Lila eyes went wide she nodded her head quickly Lila's mother sighed taking a deep breath "we-well your aunt called me telling me that they are moving here to Paris to be closer to us."
"Really!?" Lila said excitedly Lila's mother nodded her head Lila jumped in joy her cousin was coming! "Now Lila." Lila's mother said stopping Lila in her excitement "I know how much you miss them but remember they are not good people so be very careful around them especially around him." Lila nodded her head in understanding Lila's mother smiled "okay than I'll call you when dinner is ready." Lila smiled at her mother "okay mamma." Lila walked back into her room she went over back to her journal she wrote something down and smiled. She may know how to get Marinette off of her back after all...
"I am so late!" Marinette exclaimed running out of her house she had over slept again this was the third time this week! She couldn't understand why shadow moth couldn't not send out an akuma late at night this was the third time! she made it to class when Mme. Bustier called her name "here!" Marinette said going to her seat that was right next to Ayla "Marinette girl you need to find a way to stop shadow moth soon so you could get some real sleep!" Ayla said in a whisper Marinette sighed "I know..." she whisper back Mme. Bustier clapped her hands together to get the class attention she smiled "okay class we have a new student!" the students of Mme. Bustier class whisper wondering who the new student is she clapped her hands again the class fell silent with that she turned to the door "you can come in now." A boy with caramel brown hair walked into class his dull blue-green eyes scanned across the class room when he face the front of the class, he smiled it was a kind smile. "Tell us who you are." Mme. Bustier asked the boy cleared his throat "my name is Alessandro Rossi. It nice to meet you all." His voice was angelic.
Marinette blinked at the last name... Rossi? Mme. Bustier voice her confusion "Rossi? Are you related to Lila by any chance?" Alessandro turn to face Mme. Bustier with a nodded "yes. She's, my cousin."
Marinette mouth dropped.
Marinette watch Alessandro carefully not wanted to miss anything about the boy the whole class was surrounded the boy with questions Mme. Bustier clapped her hands together the class went silent "now class that was rude of you to do!" she turned to Alessandro "I am sorry about that Alessandro please take a seat next to your cousin. She's in the very back." Alessandro furrowed his brow in confusion "why is she in the very back?" "Oh, umm well the class we had change the seat so Lila could seat up front but there were some complaints on the seating..." Mme. Bustier said eyeing Marinette who blinked "so we have to go back to the old seating arrangements." Alessandro shook his head "my cousin has a hearing problem you can't just change the seats because of a student decided they wanted their seat back. That's not right!" "I know that why I am changing seats again so Lila can be up front today I was planning on changing the seats after class went to lunch anyway!" Alessandro smiled "thank you Mme. Bustier."
Marinette couldn't believe her ears why would Mme. Bustier do this! Marinette was not going to let this stand she was about to voice her complaints when Mme. Bustier turned to her "Marinette! Why don't you take Alessandro and show him around the school?" Marinette blinked in surprise she wasn't quick enough to say no "great now take him and show him around!" "b-but-!" "Now Marinette." Marinette looked down defeated she walked down the stairs to Alessandro she held out her hand her eyes showing skepticism "name is Marinette Dupain-cheng it nice to meet you." "Alessandro Rossi it nice to meet you too." He took her hand into his own.
When they came back Marinette and Alessandro was met with new seating arrangements Marinette turned to Mme. Bustier "your seat is in the back Marinette." Marinette nodded walking to her new seat and Alessandro walked to his that was right next to Lila. "I can't believe this!" Marinette exclaimed walking out of the school Ayla followed right behind her "well what did you expect her to do?" Marinette turned to Ayla "to say no! Lila doesn't have a hearing problem!" Ayla rolled her eyes "we don't know that." Marinette wanted to scream at the sky why would Mme. Bustier do this? "Marinette?" Marinette turned to face Alessandro "can I talk to you alone?" n-!" Ayla cut Marinette off "of course you can!" Ayla push Marinette into Alessandro "I'll wait for you girl." Marinette looked at Ayla in shocked "go ahead girl." Marinette sighed and followed Alessandro back into the school they went into the locker-room which was empty Alessandro turned to her "I can sense that you have a problem with me and my cousin?" "You damn right I do!" Marinette exclaimed pointing her finger into Alessandro chest "Lila is a liar! You fall for her lies and talked my teacher into changing seats!" Alessandro gasped "Marinette my cousin is no liar! She really does have a hearing problem!" Marinette cross her arms "prove it!" Alessandro sighed crossing his arms "Marinette you can believe her or not I just what's best for my cousin." "She can only have the best when she stop lying!" Alessandro sighed again "Marinette Lila told me about you." Marinette eyes went wide "whatever she said to you is a lie!" Marinette said quickly Alessandro raise a brow "so she said that you're a nice girl who is willing to help out your fellow classmate was a lie than?" "Yes! Wait no! huh?" Marinette was caught off guard by what he said Lila complimented her. Alessandro looked confused "so what was that a lie or..." "no she didn't lie about that..." he smiled "okay than good to know!" he place a hand on Marinette shoulder "than I need you to prove that is true than..." he squeezed it hard Marinette wince at that looking into Alessandro dull blue-green eyes something was wrong. Something was very wrong "because if what she said wasn't true about you... you will regret the day you met me..." the atmosphere of the room went cold fear was radiating off of Marinette which filled Alessandro up with glee "well Marinette I hope you and I become the bestest of friend throughout the school year!" he let go of Marinette and left the locker-room. After a while just standing there Marinette let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding her hand went to her chest she hadn't felt this much fear since chat Blanc she jumped when the locker room door opened, she turned to face Ayla who looked at her confused "you okay girl?" Marinette nodded her head "yeah lets go..." Marinette quickly left the locker room going outside of the school she saw that Lila was getting into a pretty expensive car with Alessandro who looked back at her their eyes met for a moment he smiled and winked at her before getting into the car and driving away.

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