Getting Away

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Chapter 1 (Getting Away)

Yorudan was very tired from running from the staff from the orphanage as he successfully got away from them. He hated being there as they were very abusive to the children. Yorudan became an orphan when his family died in a car crash, leaving him to be the only survivor. After the death of his family, he had no other relatives to stay with, forcing him to stay at an orphanage until he was adopted. While staying there, he'd always see kids getting abused by the staff such as punching or kicking them, as well as neglecting to feed them or locking them in a room for minor mistakes.

Yorudan was unfortunatetly a victim of their abuse as he had fallen into their hands as well. It happened for months until a male orphan managed to snag a key for the exit to escape along with some of the other orphans. They were planning to escape at night as Yorudan wanted to go along with them as he could not stand the abuse much longer. They put their plan to motion as Yorudan and the other orphans managed to reach the exit door. But unfortunately, it was so dark that the boy had a hard time inserting the key and while doing this, this caused some of the staff to hear the noise and investigate.

Yorudan and the orphans were caught red handed by the staff but luckily, the boy manages to unlock the door and run outside, along with Yorudan the other kids. It was raining as the children were running away from the staff as they were unfortunately caught by them due to them being faster. Yorudan suddenly got an idea as he sees a path that turns. Right as he and the other orphans made a turn, Yorudan quickly jumped into a ditch that's deep enough for him to not be seen. As he rolled to the bottom of the ditch, the other staff didn't notice and continued chasing the other orphans.

Yorudan didn't know how long he was laying there for as he decided to peek from the ditch. However, one of the staff members, patrolling to see of any more kids were out there, saw him climbing up the ditch and went after him as Yorudan quickly slide back down. Luck was still on his side as the staff member slipped and fell into the ditch, causing him to hit his head on a nearby rock, making him fall unconscious. This gave Yorudan the opportunity and run into the trees out of plain sight as other staff members heard the commotion and went and see what happened. They found their co-worker unconscious in the ditch, but no sign of Yorudan.

Hours had passed as Yorudan got away from the orphanage. He was thinking that he was only orphan that managed to escape.

"Why did my family have to die? I didn't even do anything wrong to deserve it. My life is miserable and I don't even know why..." Yorudan said to himself as he began tearing up.

It was still raining as Yorudan was now soaking wet and a mess, making him realize that he needed to find a place where it is dry. Luckily, he spotted a cave in the distance as he ran to it and went inside. He began to walk further as his vision was beginning to blur. Yorudan decided to sleep against the wall of the cave as he saw what appears to be the wall and sat down and leaned back, expecting to feel the wall. But then, he fell back, surprising Yorudan. He went back up as he assumed that he wasn't near the wall. Yorudan got back up and went into the direction he was facing before he fell but to his confusion, he hit the wall of the cave.

"What? But the wall wasn't that near me before I fell."

Too tired to think, he sat against the wall and fell asleep.

End of Chapter 1

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