There really wasn't a means to truly described this cruel twist of fate that had to be his negative karma for the eons of slaughter under that monster. It had usually been Morax that would come to help him get his karma under control when it reached this point. "Morax is no longer here foolish boy!" came the menacing laughter echoing in his head.

"Sh-shut up!"he snarled struggling painfully against the bindings of dark energy. It only had the reverse desired effect as shockwaves of dark energy send sheer agony up his spine causing him to let out a blood curling shriek. 

This what Lumine saw as she came upon the scene of him screaming in tortured suffering tears streaming down his eyes. His screams revealing the adeptus's long canines as his cat-like pupils dilatated. "XIAO!!"she screamed in terror at the sight. So her intuition had been right in her worries but she never in her wildest dreams or nightmares thought this was what she would find. Just what was happening to him!? What was this dark energy that reminded her too much of that sword she had purified for Albedo!?

"Get out of here! D-Don't come any closer—AAAAUUGGHHHHH!!!!"he shrieked struggling so desperately against his karmatic binds. 

"No, I'm not leaving!"she snapped as before his dismay she raced forward. The negative energy to his further shock was not harming her!? Actually his eyes could see she was becoming surrounded in a sort of ethereal energy that gave off a subtle warmth. Her sword cut through with frightening ease as she ran to reach him. She leaped at the closest tree and ricochet off the trunks to leap for him with arms wide open to him. To his disbelief and dismay, the energy was going wild in fury from this pure radiant light. It was reacting to this strange energy Lumine was giving off the instant her arms wrapped around him he felt his bindings weaken and dissolve. The problem was though they were so high up!!

Oh no.

Mortal bodies weren't as sturdy as an adeptus was!

Lumine realized this too late, but she had been desperate. So she had been surprised to suddenly see Xiao break the remaining binds and grab her, holding her close and landing with a sharp stumble onto the ground below where Paimon waited in worry. The pain that shot through him now due to his wounds as he set her down was enough to make his legs give out.

"Xiao!"she squeaked in worry as she caught him, easing him down.

"You fool, what were you thinking?"he snapped pushing her away from him. 

"I was thinking you were in trouble, idiot. I couldn't just stand by and watch you suffer!!"she snapped right back with tears threatening to fall. The sight made him mentally flinch at just how upset she looked. The worry and concern reminding him of the same worried faces he once knew. "Just what in the name of Celestia was that anyways?"

"My karma....i-its the price I must pay for what I do."he hissed awkwardly as Lumine brought out what seemed to be a first aid kit.

Lumine sighed as she took a cloth and started to clean his wounds despite his very stubborn protests as he tried to keep her out of arm's length. He looked so shy and awkward despite the amount of exhaustion and agony he was in. Was it because he was not used to interacting with others? More then likely. "That's ok I can be stubborn too, stupid yaksha."she thought offering him a friendly smile as she watched him scoot away from her. "This...'karma' is it what harmed you tonight? Does this happen often?"she asked delicately.

That had surprised him.

This mortal had hit the arrow on the bull's eye. It made him think had she been alive centuries ago this woman and Guizhong would have gotten along really well. Probably would have played chess and go quite often too. He still felt very tense but yet...something about what he had witnessed made him feel so confused, however, he felt maybe she could have a little bit of his trust? So he just nodded slowly as he fastened his mask back around his sash where it belonged. 

"It doesn't often happen this severely. But it matters little to me as this negative karma is mine to bear for my sins."he informed stumbling to his feet. However do to how injured he was along with sheer exhaustion he just did not have the strength to make it far she noticed. Lumine without a second thought went over and steadied him, putting his arm around her shoulders. "Get your hands off me! I swear you have no respect for the adepti!"he growled.

"I'm not backing down from you, Xiao. You need help so just lean on me a little until we get back to Wanshu Inn."she rebuked only to give him a star shattering smile. He looked at her to see if she was hiding some hidden motives for this. But he could not sense any nor see none; just simple kindness and her offering a hand of friendship. With a huff he finally caved and allowed her to support him as she guided him to the nearest waypoint monument and reached out her hand, teleporting them away to Wanshu Inn. Lumine then proceeded to show him even more kindness that felt so weird and foreign to him. She had helped to patch up his injuries with these strange medical herbal smelling creams. They stung upon contact with his wounds before she bandaged them up, indicating it was probably a poultice ointment made from wolfhook berries. Not for a moment had she ever flinched at his sharp shouts of protest or complaints. No, Lumine felt no anger at him for it as she offered him a smile as she let him be on the balcony in the shade of the banister door. 

"Xiao, I'll be here for at least a few days before I go back to Liyue Harbor and will be in Liyue for quite awhile. Let me know if you ever want to talk."she smiled before taking her leave. Xiao could only stare feeling a sea of confusion and emotions not familiar to him. Lumine though as she walked down to go clean up for dinner couldn't take her mind off what she learned. Xiao sacrificed and did so much to protect Liyue...But...who would protect him?

To Be Continued....

Xiaolumi S1: Dark On MeWhere stories live. Discover now