Kai yelped with surprise but was ignored.

  "In the name of everything living in this twisted dimension, would you two please shut up?" she yelled, wrenching her brother's suit. "You've been going at each other for as long as we were venturing in this forsaken place! It's pissing me off!"

  That instantly silenced them, her tone deeming her worthy not to be messed with. Ever.

  "Alright, alright!" her brother whined, thrashing beneath her hold. "I get it - just let me go! Please...?"

  Not bothering to bat an eye, she released him, sending him sprawled next to Zane with a lightly pained shoulder and a stab to his pride. He huffed indignantly, purposefully glancing somewhere he wouldn't make eye-contact. From his peripheral vision, he could see the Master of Ice shrug at him and murmur, "You may or may not have deserved it, though."

  "Not helping, Zane..." Kai drawled.

  Meanwhile, Jay walked to Nya and tried to calm her as she fumed at a further distance.

  "I'm gonna head off with her!" he called. "We won't be too far!" He ran towards open, uncharted land and vanished through the dense fog.

  "Yeah, I'll head out, too," said Morro, seeing as this was a perfect opportunity to escape the wretched tension... before turning away and waving at Kai. "So long, humiliated-by-his-little-sister."

  "Why, you-"

  "Kai, don't!" Lloyd held his arms out to prevent him from another one of his heated comebacks. "Sure, he's not the nicest guy, but you're not helping in the matter if you say anything back."

  Almost immediately, his companion lowered his brows, kneading together with sudden fury, but he forced his aggression down. His only response was exhaling in exhasperation.

  A cold pit dug into his stomach when Lloyd watched him stand to leave, uttering no word. He knew the guy had a lot on his plate, let alone sticking with someone he hated with such ferosity. Lloyd only wanted to help for everyone's sakes in the situation, but seeing him leave made him... sad.

  Once everyone was out of earshot, Cole finally moved. "Well... that was kinda new."

  The team's leader turned to him, perplexed. "What?"

  "It is most likely for a different cause, but we notice that you seem to defend Morro a lot more than we expected," Zane explained. "It is not easy recovering from such a traumatic state."

  "Me? Defend Morro?" he repeated with a hint of sarcastic laughter. "I'm just trying to, y'know... make sure they don't completely annihilate each other. That's kinda the last thing anyone wants right now."

  "I mean, true. This headache's slowly starting to kill me..." Cole mumbled, massaging his temple. "But we mostly didn't think you would take his presence so casually."

  "Is it perhaps due to the reason that he is the main source of imformation we have on Master Wu's whereabouts?" asked Zane, eyes shining, as if he was scanning Lloyd.

  "Uh, pretty much, I would say," the blonde replied. "But for that reason alone, I can't ignore his offer. It makes me want to trust him.... B-but I can't!" he added quickly, noting the glances he received.

  "Maybe not, but maybe so," the nindroid said quietly. "We may not like him - maybe we never will - but finding the strength within your heart to forgive does not mean any harm. In fact, it is one of your best qualities."

  Cole nodded his head. "If it ever comes to that, I... honestly won't be surprised, actually. It really does sound like you."

  Lloyd thought on it for a few moments. Wondered whether he, the victim of unimaginable possession of his soul, would have it in him to really forgive his captor. It seemed like such a strong... powerful journey to come to terms with. The process, the possibility, would need time, he knew. However, he was also aware of Wu's morals, delivering one message after another from the back of his conscience.

  Forgiveness is a gift...

  To truly eliminate an enemy, you become a friend... an ally...

  With your guidance, you can help them become the best of themselves...

  But with his musings sprout the undeniable truth that his Master wasn't with them. Despite this, though, he was completely aware that Wu was entirely capable of defending himself against forces unbeknownst to them all. But what always made it worse was the horrific image Morro had described of the very man who saved them both. And he knew the very same boy had left him.

  "Y'know, maybe that can be a topic for another day," Lloyd advised, making a massive effort to rid his mind of his winding insecurities and horrors. His chest suddenly felt somewhat tight, so he coughed to clear his airway. Zane took that as a sign to tend to him again.

  "Maybe I should stroll around for a bit like the rest of them," he suggested. "Maybe it'll help?"

  "Not until I've taken a good look at you properly," informed the nindroid, careful to be stern enough to emphasize the finality in his tone. Just to take precautions, he activated a light installed on his wrist and directed it to Lloyd's mouth, peeking down his throat. "A little charred... as I suspected."

  "Don't worry, once we're ready to move on, we'll find a way back to Ninjago," Cole said determinedly. "I cannot wait to get out of here..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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