Chapter 3

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Annalise had woken up in a grumpy mood. She couldn't sleep, too nervous for the day ahead of her, she hoped it wasn't like her old school. Annalise's old school wasn't bad for it's area, in fact, it was one of the best. However, after homecoming, some girls that hated her for no apparent reason, thought it would be funny to dump maple syrup and feathers on her in front of everyone. She had no idea why they hated her so much, she wasn't popular, or anything, she stuck to her sister like glue, not really having any friends.

She sighed, trying not to live in the past. Getting up she walked to her dresser, grabbing a dark oversized sweater, a long green button down skirt, and a black tank underneath. Brushing her hair, and applying a small amount of mascara, she then went down the stairs to see Bella making eggs and bacon.

"Good morning." The two said in unison to each other. They looked at each other and smiled.

The two finished their breakfast, said goodbye to Charlie and drove to school. The drive was calming, and when they arrived, it seemed as if everyone was staring at them. It could be the orange truck, or the fact that the chief's twin daughters are back?

"Hey nice truck!" A boy said.

"Thanks," Bella mumbled, she turned to her sister. "Is everyone staring or is it just me?"

"Don't worry, I put Baby in the truck." Annalise whispered with a slight smile.

"Your bat?!" Bella whispered harshly, eyes wide. Annalise's smile just grew, Bella shook her head.

The two girls headed into the office, after they got their schedules they went to separate classes, Bella was met with a boy named Eric. Annalise was walking around trying to find her art class when she bumps into a pixie-like girl.

"Oh I'm sorry." The girl said, smiling softly, holding onto her arms gently. "I'm Alice."

"Oh I'm Annalise Swan, and it's fine. Um, do you know where the art room is?" Annalise played with the straps of her bag.

"It's down that hall to the right, second door." Alice said, pointing down the hall. Annalise nodded her head as thanks, heading down to the art room, unable to see the glazed look in Alice's eyes.

The three kings of the vampire world stood in front of their thrones. A woman in a long sleeved flowy gown walks up to them, the kings smile, opening their arms to the maidin.

"Welcome our Queen." The middle one, with the dark, black hair. The woman, who was actually Annalise Swan, smiled at the kings, lovingly, walking into their arms.

Alice snapped out of it, looking at the door where Annalise had once stood. 'And the Queen will walk among the dead, and bring the kings to their knees.' Alice remembered a prophecy from an old vampire, the vampire pretended to be an oracle in ancient Greece, predicting something that Alice knew was going to happen soon. Alice Cullen, knew right then and there, that the youngest Swan twin was going to be an important piece for the vampire world.

After some of Annalise's classes, lunch had rolled around. She stretched her arms, when she felt soft, hands wrap around her wrist.

"Hey Annalise, why don't you sit with me and my family." the wispy voice of Alice Cullen said. Annalise could only smile meekly and be pulled to the lunch room by the tiny girl, reaching outside of the lunch room, so then accidentally bumped into a tall blonde, runway, beautiful girl. Annalise apologized rather quickly, but the girl just shook her head with a small smile. Rosalie Hale was told by the small vampire that Annalise Swan was going to play a big part in their lives, but the moment that she had seen the human, she knew that the term 'best friends for life' was going to be the literal definition for the two girls.

"I am so sorry." Annalise apologized quickly, but the tall girl just smiled softly.

"Sweetheart, it's fine, are you coming to sit with us?" The smaller girl nodded, "I'm Rosalie, you're Annalise Swan, right?"

"Um yeah," smiling softly, Rosalie intertwined their arms together while Alice still held her wrist, walking up to a hallway which held three boys waiting for them.

"Anna, I hope it's okay I call you that," Alice said, smiling when Annalise nodded. "This is Edward, my boyfriend Jasper and Rosalie's, Emmett."

Jasper smiled softly and nodded in her direction in acknowledging her, Edward smiled ever so softly and Emmett just scooped her in a bear hug.

Annalise laughed, "Hi, it's nice to meet you all." Emmett smiled widely, and put her down, wrapping his arm around Rosalie's waist. "I'm Annalise Swan."

Walking into the cafeteria, eyes were on them, and Annalise could faintly hear Bella say, "Who are they? The ones with my sister."

"Those are the Cullens, the blonde girl is Rosalie Hale. She's with the big guy Emmett Cullen, there like a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal." Some blondish hair girl said. Annalise stopped listening, she hated gossips, she thought they were unnecessary and stupid.

Edward smiled a little, finding the new girl's mind sweet and strong. He caught the eyes of Bella Swan, 'Well, shit" He thought. Turning to the younger Swan girl, he was overwhelmed with her scent, calming his bloodlust down. Alice and Rosalie sat next to Annalise, having a conversation about certain clothing items.

Edward, Emmett and Jasper staring at their adopted sisters/girlfriends and how they were getting along amazingly with one of the new girls. They had become friends rather quickly, and brought an ever so calming aura around her.

AN: Sorry I'm late...Hope you enjoy! also...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE all honesty...I thought people wouldn't see this and wouldn't like it but you guys have 100% made my day! so THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! 

The Green-Eyed Queen- Twilight Fan fiction {Discontinued}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora