Thirty eight

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"You should let me do that more often."

I'm still staring at the dark ceiling, replaying the last ten minutes in my head.

Over and over again.

Owen is laying to the side next to me. My shirt is still off since I'm too lazy to put it back on.

"Y-" My voice cracks and I clear my throat. "Yeah." I whisper.

"Good." He leans over and pecks my slightly parted lips before dropping his head on my pillow. His head rests near the crook of my neck.

He can do that all he wants.

His hand sneaks up my bare chest and rests itself on my boob.

I think he's a boob guy.

"Goodnight." His hand moves over to right above my heart. It's beating a thousand miles a minute.

"Bonne nuit." (Translation: Goodnight.)

A few seconds later he speaks up again. "Your heart is beating really fast, relax." His breath tickles my neck.

I don't respond. Instead I begin to take deep breaths. His hand creeps down to my stomach and he calmingly caresses my skin.

My eyes flutter shut as I drift into a state of sleep.

I guess I can cross being ate out off my bucket list.


"Levinaaa." I whine as I follow her out the school.

She whips her head around when she hears my voice.

"Oh, sup Luna!" She waltzes over to me and slings her around around my shoulder.

"Want to hang out?"

"Sure! Want me to invite your little love sick puppy?" She winks at me.

"No...I need advice, about him. So I do not want him there." I shudder at the thought.

Owen still acts normal and casual when I see him in school. Except every time I look at him all I can remember is how his tongue was licking me as if I was ice cream.

And the tingles that ran through my entire being when he-

"Hm..." She smirks at me. "I need you to tell me everything." She latches onto my arm and pulls me through the parking lot and to her shiny black car.


"Did you guys fuck? Did you give him head? Or did you guys just make out?" Her questions tumble out one after the other.

My eyes widen.  " know..." I glance down to my downstairs area and then back up to her eyes.

Her mouth drops and her eyes become the size of saucers.

"He gave you head?" The corners of her lips tip up into a devious smile.

I nervously glance around the room.

Her eyes widen even more. Suddenly her hands land on my shoulders as she shakes me and screams through her teeth. "Finally! You idiots are dating! Was the head good? Did you enjoy it?"

She lets go of my shoulders and resumes to petting her dog, Carlo, who is sitting to the side of her sleeping.

I begin to nervously pick at the skin around my nails. "Yes, it" I murmur shyly. "And we aren't dating." A sad sigh leaves my lips.

When I look up to see her face across the bed from me, she has her eyebrows pinched together and annoyance written across her features.

"Huh? What do you mean you aren't dating yet? The little fucker hasn't asked you out? Are you joking with me right now?" Carlo wakes up and side-eyes her as her voice raises.

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