"I'm fine" Rimmer mumbled, concentrating on the monitor.

"Yeah you haven't moaned at us once? Is your light bee busted again?" Cat taunted earning a glare from Rimmer. He didn't have the energy to rip Cat apart, he was far more worried about you.

"I said I'm fine" Rimmer repeated a little louder.

"I mean I'm not complaining" Cat threw his hands up "Nor would I be upset about your light bee breaking!"

"Cat shut up man!" Lister jumped in to prevent a full blown argument even though Rimmer didn't care enough to argue back.

"What? I'm just saying?"

"Please don't start a fight" Phee pleaded from Kryten's seat behind Cat.

"Excuse me" Rimmer sighed as he left the cockpit, waiting for the door to close fully before taking a deep breath out as he paced around.

Nothing in the entire universe upset Rimmer more than knowing that you weren't ok and not knowing how to help you. Ever since you became a part of his life he didn't care for arguing with Cat, he didn't care much for bossing Kryten about or complaining about Listers every move. Ever since he started a relationship with you, you were all he cared about.

"Hey, just thought I'd check and make sure you were ok?" Rimmer's head popped up as he heard the voice, he hadn't even heard Phee walk into the stern "Just ignore Cat"

"I've been ignoring him since I met him" Rimmer mumbled as he sat down at the table in the middle of the room.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Phee tilted her head to the side as she watched Rimmer chew the tip of his thumb "Worried about Y/N?"

"Is it that obvious?" Rimmer scoffed "Sorry I don't mean to be rude"

"No need to apologize" Phee sat down at the opposite end of the table "As much as I love Cat I know he's not the brightest bulb"

"You're telling me" Rimmer's lips began to curl.

"I'm sure the two of you will figure out what's going on" Phee attempted to reassure Rimmer.

"I know" Rimmer mumbled "I just don't like leaving her when she's not ok"

"Y/N will be fine, she always comes out on top"

"That's why I asked her to be my wife" Rimmer smiled properly "She's the strongest person I know"

"And between the two of you you'll figure this all out" Phee smiled.

"I just can't stand leaving her alone" Rimmer grumbled.

"Kryten is with her, she couldn't be safer" Phee replied as the door to the cockpit opened behind her.

"Right..." Lister marched over to Rimmer and slammed a can of lager down in front of him "Get this down ya"

"Listers it's barely afternoon?" Rimmer looked down at the can and back up at the man with the dreads.

"So?" Lister shrugged.

"So? We don't all live off beer like you do!" Rimmer scoffed as Lister pushed the can closer with his finger.

"It will help you relax" Lister grinned "Now drink it!"

"I'm not sure alcohol is the right answer here?" Phee tried to step in.

"One can ...drink it!" Lister smiled as he cracked the pull tab and nudged it closer to Rimmer.

"One can!" Rimmer gave him a stern look before letting out a sigh and taking a swig from the can. It's just one drink right?

But Who Could Love Me? (Rimmer x Reader) Red Dwarf FicWhere stories live. Discover now