No Body, No Crime

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Their jaws dropped open. Kyungsoo stepped forward to put his hands on Chanyeol's shoulders. "You mean..."

"I don't think they ever found a body."

"That must be why there are no reports and no one outside the neighborhood knows what happened." Sehun said. "They don't know the cause of death because they didn't have the body to do an autopsy on. It's a cold case."

"But, why do they say he's dead if they don't really know?" Kai asked. "I mean, we know he's dead because we've met his ghost, but how did the police figure it out? For all they know, he could've run away and never returned."

"Well, his neighbors seem pretty positive that he's dead. They must've told the police." Kyungsoo said. "The only thing that doesn't make sense is how they would know. The only way they could've known is if they were responsible or they witnessed it. Either way, the cops would eventually find out how exactly it happened from them."

A book on the shelf behind Chanyeol toppled over, causing him to jump. He whipped around to find Baekhyun floating through the aisles, appearing out of nowhere. "Great." He mumbled. "He followed me again."

"Hey. Whatcha guys talking about?" He asked as he sat down on top of a table and fluttered his eyelashes. "I heard you mention Mr. Suho. I knew him back in the day."

"We were just talking about..." He racked his brain for a lie. "About...the upcoming Spookfest this weekend. I was wondering if Mr. Suho would be there."

"Ah, the Spookfest. I remember me and my neighbors would go apple bobbing in Mr. Kim's backyard. I won every time."

"Yeah. Anyway, how did you and Mr. Suho know each other?"

He jumped up from the table to fly over Chanyeol's head and resume browsing books. "Oh, I don't know. He lived nearby and I liked giving him candy. He was just a little kid, probably seven or eight. Same with Mr. Kim and Ms. Bae. They always came by my place to try and steal the spare candy I kept in the upstairs cupboard."

"They were just kids..." Chanyeol said to himself, stroking his chin. "You said seven or eight years old?"

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure."

Interesting. Knowing they were in their early sixties, Baekhyun must've died around 1966 or 1967 to make the ages match up. That narrowed their time frame down immensely, but it still didn't answer the question of how.

"So, what are you guys doing for Spookfest?" Baekhyun interrupted his thoughts.

"Oh, um...probably just going to my place to watch horror movies."

"What?!" He flew back over to the table. "That's boring! You have to at least get out of the house and do something with the neighborhood. The whole point of Spookfest is to bring the community together to celebrate the halfway point of October."

"I'll think about it later." He turned back to the others. "I'll call you guys later. I'm going to get home before Baekhyun causes more of a mess here."

"Alright, see you later. And give us any updates know."


"It's costume time!" Baekhyun shouted as he rummaged through Chanyeol's closet. Chanyeol normally didn't dress up until Halloween, but the ghost insisted that he participate in Spookfest and go out to celebrate with his neighbors. Spookfest lasted from Friday to Sunday, meaning he'd have to find multiple costumes to wear for each day.

"How about this? No, this would look so much better. Ooh, this is nice!" Baekhyun found the old costume box in the back of the closet and uncovered all of the old outfits Chanyeol wore for previous Halloweens. He didn't want him to wear the same thing, so he mixed and matched to create something new and, in Chanyeol's opinion, hideous.

Closets Are For Ghosts And Gays | Chanbaek, ChansooOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant