"Come sit hyung."

"I am fine standing here." He didn't even thought about asking me to sit,fuck him.I will stand here!!

I stood there for almost an hour.Now I think it was better for me to sit.

Finallyyy he stood up and is leaving...

Hobi's POV

What an asshole...He doesn't even want to sit here then why the fuck he came here?!

"Well see you next time Mr.Park"

"Sure Mr.Kim" and he left and I was about to sit back when I noticed that asshole hasn't left and is coming near me.

"What do you want? I thought you didn't even want to be here."

"I don't want to be here.To be more clear I don't even want to breathe the same air as you do."

"Then what are you doing here get out." He is now so close to me and is smirking.

"You almost killed me yesterday and you think you can escape with it?"

"Well you deserve it." I said rolling my eyes.

"Well remember one thing soon your company will be ours and you will bow to me too."

"In your dreams and I will always fight for my company."

"Hungry for money,huh?" Who does he think he is,I am boiling right now.

"I need this company to take care of my family,My employees also need this company to take care of their family and you asked me If I am hungry for money,huh...Why do you need this company anyway? To take care of your family,Wait do you even have a family to begin with?"


 He shouted and grabbed my collar and I regretted everything I said as I saw the pain in his eyes.Shit I should have never said that.I never meant it to hurt him.Hell I don't even know why I said that.His eyes are glassy now and I feel someone clenching my heart.I feel hurt and I want to cry seeing him looking at me so helpless and sad.I just wanna hold him now,to take his pain away and give him all the happiness he deserves.

At that time I understood that even the most ruthless mafia men can feel hurt,sad and pain.

Jin's POV

I was passing through my lobby to Hobi's office when I saw Mr.Kim coming.I panicked and ran towards the nearest pillar and hid behind it hoping he won't see me.God just let him pass without seeing me.I peeked to the side and saw him nowhere.Thank god he left.

"Who are you hiding from?" I jumped hearing his voice behind me.FML.

"Who told you I am hiding? I am not hiding from anyone."

"Oh really?" He said coming close.

"Don't come close or I will kick you." He is laughing.Why is he laughing? Did I said something wrong?!!

"Are you flustered Jinnie?" He said even coming closer until he made me in between his hand on either side of me.I am so red now.I know!!!

"Who is your Jinnie? I am elder than you,You should respect me!"

"But you look so cute to be my elder,HYUNG." Goddd What is he doing to me? I wonder if he could hear my heartbeat.

"I am not cute I am handsome."

"You are both hyung!!" He came forward until our face is closer,like really closer.

"Do you remember what happened yesterday at the club,HYUNG?"

Death and Love [On Hold]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora