My Little Monster

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"... but love is good, it changes people, for better or worse. You could look at it as a chance for you to change.. The best kind of love helps you grow up."
-Mitsuyoshi Misawa

"Does it really matter if no one likes you?"
-Haru Yoshida

"Hmph! Who cares about school?! The real me lives on the internet!"
-Natsume Asako

"Shizuku's so cute."
-Haru Yoshida

"You can trust me, Haru."
-Shizuku Mizutani

"Everything's fun when I'm with you."
-Haru Yoshida

"I'll wait for you to fall in love with me before I say it again."
-Shizuku Mizutani

"I like you... In a sexual way!"
-Haru Yoshida

"Hey, there's a spirit in this house."
-Haru Yoshida

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it."
-Shizuku Mizutani

"Did you know? God decides when people get to be lucky or unlucky so everything balances out in the end. Well, I don't believe in any of that, it's a bunch of smoke and mirrors. Still, I've been thinking lately, if meeting you was my lucky moment, it balances out everything else that's happened. Only good things have happened since I've met you."
-Haru Yoshida

Shizuku: "When I'm with you, my chest hurts."
Haru: "Shouldn't you go to the nurse's office?"

"Could you and I... Grow up together?"
-Natsume Asako

"I'm not expert, but I think people mope when their expectations are too high. It's tiring when you always have to overachieve. Don't overdo it. Just work on achieving what you can."
-Haru Yoshida

"It's a good thing Haru's an idiot."
-Kenji Yamaguchi

"What's so special about studying? Every problem has an answer. How hard can it be?"
-Haru Yoshida

"Will the day ever come when I can look at the boy beside me with honest and sincere affection?"
-Shizuku Mizutani

"But I'm not scared anymore... Because I have you."
-Haru Yoshida

"If these feelings won't go away, then I need to stop running from them."
-Haru Yoshida

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