So what do I do? 

I finish getting dressed, heading down to grab some late breakfast before I meet the others.

As I walk down the stairs, I am alerted that my mother is not alone, she has company. A familiar voice echoes through the room, one I will always recognise. 

My mother is the first to notice me at the bottom of the stairs, Rafe turning around soon after, smiling at me. 

"If it isn't Sleeping Beauty" Mother comments, "I was worried you were going to sleep the whole day away" she takes notice that I slept in a little longer than I usually do. But in my defence, I did nearly lose my life to a blind shotgun-wielding crazy woman last night. 

I think I deserve a few extra hours of peace. 

"I was just really tired" I shrug, walking past them to make myself some toast, "yes, Rafe here was filling me on what you guys did last night" I freeze in place, my back to them, when it dawns on me that my lie was that I went out with Rafe. 

And now he is here. 

Meaning he knows I was somewhere I shouldn't have been last night. 

But why would he even cover for me? 

"Yeah, I was just telling your mom how we went stargazing at the beach after the restaurant" I reluctantly turn around, locking eyes with Rafe. He is smiling but I know it is fake, his eyes are already sending me warning signals. 

He is not going to let this one go. 

"It was a really beautiful night, the stars were in full view" Rafe continues as I try to keep composed, "isn't that right, babe?" He directs. "Yes, it was breath taking, really" I play along, smiling back at him. 

He stands up and walks over to me, kissing my temple delicately but his hand on my waist is a little tight. 

I know he wants an explanation I can't give. 

"So what are your plans today then?" Mother asks as I spin around, focusing on putting the bread in the toaster so I can avoid both their prying gazes. "Actually, I'm hanging out with Sarah today" I answer. 

"You didn't mention that last night, babe" Rafe shoots me a knowing look.

"Well, she just messaged me this morning, she feels quite down and she wants some girl time" I lie. My mother believes me but Rafe knows better, especially that Sarah and John B are together, so hanging out with her means hanging out with the Pogues. 

"Oh poor girl, I still can't believe her and Topper broke up" Mother comments, "they were so cute together" she adds. "And to hear now that she is with that scoundrel, John B" I keep my mouth shut, letting her have her rant.

Rafe finds her rant amusing, because he believes all the same things. 

"He probably manipulated her and she doesn't even realise" she continues, "I mean seriously, what can he offer someone as sophisticated as Sarah?" She adds. "Nothing at all" Rafe agrees, "I don't understand the appeal either" he mentions. 

"And then your father just takes him in" Mother scoffs, "he had nowhere else to go" I speak up without realising and they both turn to me with suspicious looks. Thankfully, my toast pops out of the toaster and stops them from quizzing me.

"I just know that Mary is beside herself at this" Mother rants, "I'm just so glad that my daughter knows better and knows what a good man is" she refers to Rafe who thanks her for the kind compliment. 

"No, I mean it, I am so glad she found you, Rafe" she praises, "you treat her amazingly, like a true gentleman" I bite harshly into my toast to not say anything. 

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