"Has Sarah found anything?" Pope asks, "not much, just that the historian her dad sold it to also sold it to someone else, she is trying to locate the buyer as we speak" he informs them. "So what exactly does this mean? Is Sarah a part of the crew now?" Kiara crosses her arms, "no" John B shakes his head. 

"So this is just for information?" She pushes, noticing his hesitation. 

"Yes," he confirms reluctantly.  

The others nod, deciding not to say anything but they know he is lying. 


"Where have you been?" Sarah asks when John B returns, "at Kiara's parent's restaurant" John B answers, leaning in for a kiss and she happily obliges. 

"Did you tell them?" She wonders, "not yet" he admits and she tries to hide her frown. 

"They are not taking the fact that I am living with you well" he mentions, "so I am just going to let them get used to that before I drop another bomb on them" he explains, "I get it" she tries to hide that she is upset. 

"But I will tell them, I promise" he lifts her chin up. 

"I know" she softly smiles, pecking his lips again. 

"Come with me, I found something" Sarah takes his hand and leads him to her father's office, she logs into the computer. 

"So I managed to track down the map" she begins, "after my dad sold it to a historian, the historian lent it to a museum but then it was privately sold to an unknown buyer" John B listens carefully. "I couldn't locate the buyer but I stumbled upon this" she shows him the webpage on the screen. 

"What is this?" John B looks closely, the writing all in French. 

"Whoever bought it has now put it on auction, it was meant to be in Louisiana but it was swapped a few days ago to Charlotte" she notifies him, "what?" John B gasps when he spots the price. 

"There is no way we can afford to buy it" he loses optimism in getting the map. 

"I have another idea" Sarah speaks up and John B gives her all his attention. 

"We can steal it" he can't believe that he is hearing this from her, "what?" He wants her to repeat herself. "We can steal it" Sarah repeats, more firmly, "and how do you suggest we do that?" He questions intrigued. 

"By sneaking in" Sarah shrugs. 

"Alright, so you have a plan?" He questions. 

"I do" She nods, "but I'm going to need help because we can't be the ones to sneak in" she adds. "Okay, so who can sneak in?" John B queries, "since it is a private auction, it means all the attendees have been directly invited" Sarah explains. 

"We need someone that can speak French and fit in with all the aristocratic French people that have likely been invited" she states, "well I hope you have someone in mind" John B replies. "I do" Sarah affirms, "I just haven't asked her yet" John B realises who she is talking about. 

"You'll really think she will do this?" John B isn't hopeful. 

"Probably not" Sarah chuckles, knowing it is a long shot, "but we have no other choice since she is the only one that can make it through the door" she points out. 

"Do you want my help to talk to her?" He offers.

"No" Sarah shakes her head, "it is better I do this alone" John B agrees, his presence won't do any favours. 


"Sarah found something" John B fills in his group, "what did she find?" Pope sits up. "The map is up for auction now" he informs them, "auction? Like we have to buy it?" Kiara questions, "something like that" John B nods. 

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