Something I have missed. 

Sarah and I link arms, going outside to the car. The Chauffeur gets out and opens the door for us, helping Sarah and I into the car. 

Mother is already inside, sitting next to my outfit for the performance, trying hard to keep cool in front of Sarah. She never likes when I challenge her.

Sarah sits opposite my mother, acting as though she is not enjoying the awkward environment. I enter last, careful not to scrunch or wrinkle my dress.

The Chauffeur closes the door and drives off, none of us in a rush to break the silence.

"So which song are you performing tonight?" Sarah takes the leap to end the silence, "just a Britney Spears song" I reply. "At least one thing you haven't messed up today" mother mumbles, thinking she wasn't going to be heard but it was loud and clear.

"I think you'll really like the performance actually" I rest my hand on Sarah's thigh.

"Yeah?" She wonders, knowing I have something planned.

"Yeah" I nod, trying to hide my smirk as to not reveal my motive.

We reach the mansion where the party is being held, the rest of the Cameron's are waiting at the entrance, having arrived just moments before us. 

The Chauffeur opens the door, my mother exits first and takes my outfit with her, Sarah exists next and I exit last. Locking eyes with a speechless Rafe, the others are also taken aback by my choice of outfit. 

Mother goes and greets Mary who is wearing a fuchsia dress and a flower headpiece that looks more like a weapon. Ward has on a smart black suit, with the medal around his neck as the main accessory. 

"Okay, I'm going to put your outfit with the others, you walk in with Rafe" mom walks back to me, already throwing out instructions. "Remember big smiles and head high, be proud" she moves quickly through another entrance. 

I look to see Sarah talking with her father and Rafe walking over to me. 

The closer we get it is difficult to miss how my emerald green shimmer clashes wildly with his soft blue tuxedo. 

"Wow, Woah, babe, you look uh- Uhm, you look-" he stumbles for words, his eyes trailing my body over and over again as he tries to find the words. 

"You look breathtaking" he settles on, "I can't take my eyes off you" he moves closer, "that's kind of the point of the dress" I remember my role. 

"When did you decide to change the dress?" He asks, "I only ask because my suit doesn't go with it" Rafe observes, "if you told me, I could have worn black-" he rambles. "It was a last-minute decision, and don't worry, nobody's going to notice what you're wearing when you're next to me" Sarah stifles a laugh, enjoying my attitude. 

 "What's up with you? Something's different" Rafe looks me over again. 

"I just want to have fun tonight" I reply, "Then let's have fun tonight" he offers his arm and I hook mine through it. Holding up the ends of my dress so I don't trip as we prepare for our grand entrance. 

Mary and Ward lead, Sarah walking closely behind with Wheezie and Rafe and I last. 

I do as my mother asks, keep my head high, walk proudly and with a big fake plastered smile. 

"Looking good, Ward!" "My man!" The crowd cheers loudly for Ward, followed by quiet gasps when Rafe and I reveal ourselves. 

Ward, Mary and Wheezie continue through the crowd. 

"Hey, Sarah, I waited on you" Topper cuts in front of us, stopping Sarah, "you said you wanted to walk in together" I watch Sarah and see if she needs me to interrupt. "Yeah well I got ready with Beth and my dad wanted us to walk in together as a family" she replies. 

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