Well I finally arrived in England at the barracks where I would then be transported back to Kabul. I was greeted by a sergeant who had a list of names. Some other lads were called in to Kabul also, I thought it was just going to be me and although I'm glad I didn't have to endure all that distance just sitting on my own, I couldn't help but wonder why we needed so much other lads. we seemed to have everything under control. As the helicopter landed, one of the new lads patted me on the shoulder.

"There's our ride lad!" he exclaimed full of excitement. I knew that as soon as he got to Kabul, he wouldn't be so excited. After all, I've already been there. I know what it is like. Boring most of the day, not allowed to leave base unless you're going on patrol and even when you do get on patrol, there's fuck all to see apart from sand and the occasional local idiot and in fact, the only time a patrol gets somewhat exciting is when you hear a few gunshots, and you know it's about to kick off. However, I never told him all of this. Afterall, I'm living proof of the consequences of the Taliban kicking off. However, I never told the new lad all of this stuff, I just looked at him and said "have fun, lad"

As the helicopter landed, a few soldiers started to get out. A few lads I recognised, Jonsey and wee Lip, they were in our base in Kabul, and it looks like they have also been injured in action.

"Lads!" I shouted as they seen me out of the corner of their eye. When they saw me, a sudden look of surprise came across their face.

"Holy shit, Mark. Things have changed over there," said Lip.

"You really don't want to go back there" Jonsey replied. As I looked to my left, suddenly the new lad didn't look so confident. "Surely it can't be that bad though" I replied.

"You'll find out when you get there, lad we can't go into any detail outside of base, but it isn't looking very good for us." replied Lip. What was I getting myself back into?

As I was sat on the helicopter looking out the window, thinking about what Jonsey and Lip had told me, that new lad from the barracks came and sat down beside me.

"So have already been there? in Afghan?" he asked.

"I have" I replied.

"Were those your mates back at the barracks" he asked.

"Aye, they are, lad" I said. "What's with all the questions?" I asked him.

"Sorry. it's just that this is my first time in Afghan. My first time away from home, really. I was just looking for any tips on what to expect" he said, suddenly I could tell that he wasn't feeling too confident anymore.

"Listen pal, what you see is what you get with Afghan" I replied "It's pretty boring most of the day until you go out on patrol and even then, there's not that much goes on. Wi-Fi is horrendous so best save your data and hope you've got no roaming charges so you can facetime your folks" I said with a little chuckle.

"But what were your mates saying back there though? about it changing?" he asked.

"Aye, well that's something I want to figure out as well, mate" I replied to him with a sound of concern in my voice.

"Well thanks anyway, mate. Sorry, I didn't catch your name" he said.

"Mark" I replied "but my mates all call me Marko" I added.

"Nice to meet you, Mark, I'm Tom, but you can call me Tommy if you like" he replied.

"Aye, no bother Tommy, lad. Just keep your head down and try not to piss anyone off" I said with a wee laugh.

"Noted. thanks, Mark" he replied as he went off to chat to the other new lads.

And just like that I was on my own again, left with the company of my own thoughts for about an hour until we touched down in our base. It is strange how much thinking you can do on your own. All I could think about was what Lip and Jonsey had said. How could things have gotten any worse than they already were? especially when we seemed to be pretty much in control of things.

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