Chapter twelve

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Five minutes later, Vincent was rushing me into dad's car. He then sat with me in the back seat and locked the door.

I then started hitting the window and screaming "help!!"

"You realize nobody is gonna hear you right?"

I was fuming "who are you anyway?"

"I am a hitman" he whispered "and I have to get rid of you now because you know too much"


He chuckled "I am just messing with you kid"

Then dad came and started the car

We then rode in silence.

I heard sirens after a while and the next thing I know, we were surrounded by police cars and police officers were shouting for dad to go out of the car while holding big guns

Dad and Vincent got out of the car and talked to the officers. When one of them grabbed dad and cuffed his hands, I hugged my legs and sighed.

It's over I thought

Veronica's flashback

I slowly sat up on the bed. I looked at George, who was asleep on the sofa. I tiptoed to his dresser and slowly opened each drawer. Then I found the letter on one of them

That was easy!

I then looked at the back of the letter to see slightly written numbers. There were even words in it. a code?

I could make out the numbers. It was 1139 Bingo!

But something doesn't add up. If Mrs. Gibson didn't want George to know about the letter- which I assume she didn't because she hid it from him- then why write a coded message and the password on her letter to him?

The only explanation I could think of is that the coded letter was for something else. And George seems to have not seen it. it could be something serious

I should tell him

What a weird family 

Mom had told me what happened 13 years ago. I still can't believe she and mom are best friends. I always suspected the woman, but mom never listened to me.

And now, my first and only friend is dead

me and Sebastian had met the day before he died. I found him in the school garden crying and his eyeglass was broken

I helped him up and he thanked me. We talked then we became friends. But we didn't talk much because the supervisor came and took him to detention. Saying that she saw what happened.

I honestly don't understand how school works. If she saw what happened, which was obviously George bullying Eyian, wasn't George the one who was supposed to get detention?

Then the next day on the morning, I was walking to school walking by Eyian's house and saw George climbing down the treehouse

After a minute, Eyian came down. And something wasn't right about him. he was so lost in thought that he didn't even see me standing in front of him.

We then walked to school together, talking. I asked him if George did something to him but he denied it. he even started telling me how much of a good person George was.

He just was too nice.

But I was almost sure that something was up. I always hated the football players. Especially George, Alex, and mike. They were so arrogant and mean! But seeing how he treated Eyian, I despised George more

I then saw Eyian the same day at lunchtime limping and crying. I helped him sit and the first thing he said to me was that he was tired, tired of putting up with everything. He kept telling me that he hated himself and that he wished he never existed.

Then the supervisor came and took him to the nurse. That's the last time I saw him. But I never, ever thought that he was thinking of ending his life.

I sighed and fished out the two black little round things mom gave me before I came. She had got them from Nathan. He's a detective and mom's friend. He gave her the two sound recorders and told her that he would turn them in without mentioning her name if it recorded something useful.

I will stick them in the bedroom and the living room. After I takeout Ms. Gibson's letter from her safe

But something is fishy. i don't know what is but something feels very wrong

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