Chapter four

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We had geography class on the 3rd period and the teacher gave us a group assignment.

But To my disappointment, Jack, my geography partner didn't come

"George and veronica can be a team then," the teacher said when he saw jack's empty desk.

Veronica? There is a girl with that name in my class?

Then the chair next to me shifted and a blond girl sat on it. She then turned to me and

"Hey, I am Veronica" she said, looking at me like it's the first time she sees me

"George," I said. she must be new

In the 3rd period we had math. another class I shared with Sebastian,

he looked tired. I remembered he said that he didn't eat anything since the day before. And I was sure he hadn't eaten anything for breakfast.

So, when the bell rang, I went to him and gave him my lunch box

"What's that?" he asked

"Dunno, mom said to give it to you"

"Oh, thanks George," he said and I turned to leave

"George?" he said and I turned back


"Can I come to your house today?" he said opening the lunch box


"I wanna talk to my dad on Facebook, he would be worried if I don't talk to him until mom comes"

"Your dad?"

"Ya," I thought he didn't have one

"Alright sure"

"Thanks, George," he said starting to eat.

Is this dude crazy? I thought, then, when I realized that I just invited him to my place, I sighed

Nope. But maybe I am

I spent the next 10 minutes searching for Alex and Mike. I didn't ask them how the football match went. But they were nowhere to be seen. so I gave up and went to the cafeteria.

I sat at our table table eating a burger and thinking about the drawings on Sebastian's notebook when I saw Alex and mike talking to Sebastian. There you are I thought.

I stood up and went their way.

Apparently, Alex had asked Sebastian something but didn't like the answer, because he punched him hard on the face. And Sebastian's nose started bleeding

My mouth gaped open as the teachers came to the sound of him crying but all of them went back when they saw that it was Sebastian. Nobody cares

Then I heard Alex call my name. Then, even though I felt like staying and helping Sebastian, I went to Alex and mike.

"Is it true?" Alex said, his nostrils flaring,

"What is?" I asked

"that you're friends with Sebastian." He said pointing to his direction.

"Says who?" I said, confused

"Well, he just told me that you guys were playing PlayStation at your place. I suppose that's why you didn't come to the football match?" he said and they both stared at me waiting for an explanation. i felt my face redden

"so?" I said, "You believe him now?"

"Well, no we don't. But I said I should ask. You don't wanna get out of the football team just for having a friend like him" He shrugged, reminding me the main reason why I shouldn't have been taking with Sebastian the first place.

 I need to make things clear.

I sighed and looked around to see Sebastian get in the bathroom. I trailed behind him to the stalls. I saw him trying to wash the blood away from his shirt. I went and said, "you snitch!"

"Hey, George...what's wrong?" He said, as if he has n idea what he had just done.

"You told Alex and mike about you coming to my house?" I said as I got closer.

"I...I am sorry George! I didn't know you would be angry about it" he whispered

"I thought you were even a little bit better than the idiot you are but I was wrong!" I nearly screamed. It made me even angrier seeing him afraid.

"I don't really blame your real mother for abandoning you on the street, or your fake drug addict mother to yell at you and hit you whenever she came home" he started to cry,

"Or your father who might not even know you exist," I said and shoved him hard and he fell on the floor with a loud thud.

"I don't wanna see your ugly face again," I said and went out.

I then walked to my secret spot in the garden and cried. I am gonna be kicked out of the football team because of this idiot. And I was afraid I would die before that happened.

I then dried my cheeks and went out of the garden. That's when I met Drew, a member of the football team. He was panting

"Dude! Where the hell have you been? The director wants to talk to you and I've been searching for you forever"

"Oh okay, I'll go there, thanks Drew," I said and walked to the director's office.

Why would the director want me anyways? I know that the school has a zero-tolerance policy on fighting but it was always okay if we hit Sebastian. His mom always says he deserved it if she heard he was hit anyway.

I shrugged and opened the door to the director's office.


"I can't believe you convinced me of coming here," I said to mom as we stood at the porch of Sebastian's house.

The director had told me that Sebastian hurt his ankle during one of our 'fights', and that I've had many warnings already. That I should go to his house to apologize. 

And well, apparently, Sebastian's mom had told my mom that she was at home today and mom wanted to say hi. So she came with me.

She rolled her eyes and said, "be nice".

And as she tried to knock on the door, we saw that it was open.

That's when a loud sound came from the house.

Mom immediately opened the door and we hurried inside. The house was empty. We both looked at each other and mom motioned upstairs

and while we were climbing up the stairs, another scream told us that it was Sebastian's mom.

We then saw that Sebastian's room was open and dark, and his mom was sitting near the door shaking, covering her ears, and shutting her eyes while screaming. her air was a mess and she sounded like she was screaming for a while.

Mom went into the class as I kneeled and asked Mrs. Lin what's wrong

She handed me a piece of paper with shaky hands and it read,

Dear mom, I am sorry for being a boy you couldn't love

And that's when mom screamed. She had turned on the light, I immediately entered the room to see her over Sebastian's laying body.

He was suspended on the floor with a white sticky substance covering his hands and the floor which apparently came out from his mouth.

I stared in shock at my mom as she looked at me with teary eyes and said "he is dead"

She then run to me, hugged me so tight, and whispered "he is dead George! Your little brother is dead!!"

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