We went to her room and entered the bathroom. I turned the water on and adjusted the temperature while she picked the bubbles for tonight. 

"Puis-je les avoir, s'il vous plaît, papa?"- asked my sweetie, showing me a pink bottle with cherries-mango scented foam. (Can I have these, please, daddy?)

"Absolument, mon petit chéri."- I gladly replied, taking the bottle from her, smiling at the sight of her pure happiness that I cherish with all my heart. (Absolutely, my little darling.) 

I took off the lid and added foam to the water, smiling brighter once my baby added cherry scented bomb to the mix, giggling as the water turned rosy, brewed and bubbled. I kissed her forehead, chuckling when she stained my nose with bubbles, beaming with delight. 

Once the bath was all set and ready, my treasure hopped in and got coated in bubbles, looking so adorable and sweet. I set 2 lukewarm, white towels close-by for her and put all necessary stuff near-by: shampoo, conditioner and mask for her velvety, lustrous, dark blonde hair; shower gel that smells like jasmine and matching gentle body scrub; pastel yellow loofah. 

"Allez-vous rencontrer Elizabeth ce soir à nouveau, papa?"- asked my treasure, playing with yellow duckies that she likes so much. (Are you going to meet Elizabeth tonight again, daddy?) 

I am honest with my sons and daughter, I have nothing to hide and I do not want to hide anything from them, let alone lie. Sure, my boys know a little bit more about my relations with Elizabeth because they are much older than my baby girl, but she also knows enough for her age and is aware of the fact that I will always love her the same, nothing and nobody will ever change it, she will always be my little butterfly and sweet bunny. 

"Oui, ma douceur. Nous allons à une foire pendant un moment, puis je serai de retour à la maison avec vous, ma petite princesse."- I responded honestly, crouching down to her level. (Yes, my sweetness. We are going to a fair for a while and then I will be back home with you, my little princess.) 

"Okie-dokie."- spoke sweetly my baby, scooting closer to me, handing me one of her 5 duckies. 

"Cela vous dérange-t-il, mon ange?"- I asked calmly, tucking a strand of her silky, wet hair behind her ear. (Do you mind it, my angel?) 

Her opinion matters to me more than I can describe. Sure, she knows that I am and will always be by her side, that I am not going anywhere, that nobody will ever change our family, that I adore her with all my heart and soul, that she is my number 1 priority, but it doesn't mean she is 100% comfortable with it and God forbid, she is not obligated to accept Elizabeth immediately or address her in some way whatsoever. At the moment and in nearest future, I am her dad and she has 3 elder brothers - that's all. Whatever happens, I will take it step by step and will not pop anything new to my children out of the blue without any one-on-one, honest conversations.

"Pas du tout en fait."- murmured my baby girl, absorbing everything herself. (Not at all actually.) 

"Elle semble vous rendre heureux et j'aime vraiment vous voir sourire, rire et rayonner de contentement. Je sais que je suis ton petit papillon et que tu m'aimes aussi."- spoke softly Genevieve, her big and glimmering eyes locked on mine as beautiful smile adorned her plump, full, rosy lips. (She seems to make you happy and I really like seeing you smile, laugh and radiate contentedness. I know that I am your little butterfly and you love me too.) 

My heart skipped a beat at her profound statement. 

I hugged my little girl and kissed her cheek, smiling happily as she sat up and hugged me so tightly, kissing my cheek cutely.  

"Je t'aime tellement, papa. Tu es mon super-héros et mon ours en peluche câlin."- said contentedly my daughter, giving my frame mellow squeeze, and I chuckled at her cute words. (I love you so much, daddy. You are my superhero and cuddly teddy-bear.) 

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