Real food

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Darcy's POV
I groan as I stretch. I feel the pull in my calf letting me know I was about to have a charlie horse. I groan.

The sharp pain grew, and grew till I was groaning in pain.

"Darc?? You ok?" Aubrey asks sitting up in her bed.

"Cha-Charlie horse." I groan.

"Oh god! I hate those!" Aubrey laughed. I roll my eyes. The pain grew so unbearable that I had to stand up. I threw the blanket off my body, I swung my legs over the side of the bed. I stand up quickly. I sigh when the pain dies down.

"You ok??" Aubrey asks sitting up.

"God. It felt like my leg was being cut off." I groan while sitting down.

"Luke would be laughing his ass off." Aubrey said causing me to smile.

"And Liam would still be sleeping." I laugh quietly. Aubrey let's out a loud laugh.

"Yeah.." She says smiling.

I stand up again, I walk over to the fridge that is across the room in the small kitchen. I open it.

"Anything good in there?" Aubrey asks standing up from her bed. She quickly walks over. She pushes me out of the way before bending down.

"Aubrey.. You don't have to bend down." I say smirking, knowing how pisses she gets when I make short jokes.

"I'm gonna punch you so hard, your moms uterus is gonna feel it." Aubrey warned. I burst out laughing.

"Oh- oh my god! I've never heard you say anything like that before!" I laugh loudly. I bend over laughing, I was gripping my stomach tightly because of how much my stomach hurt.

"Tha-that is the best." I say letting myself die down from all the laughing.

"I've never seen you like this before." Aubrey says standing up tall.

"Sometimes all you need is your best friend." I say walking over to her. I push her out of the way.

"We need real food. What is this?! Is this cheese?!" I ask pulling the moldy green cheese out.

"That's disgusting!" Aubrey shrieks.

"I think I'm gonna puke." I say in a strained voice while holding the cheese away from me.

"Girls? What are you doin- Oh my god! What the hell is that!?" Marcus asks walking in.

"Cheese. Want some?" Aubrey asks taking the cheese from my, she threw it at him. He let's out a more girly squeal than Aubrey.

I burst out laughing.

"Yeah! Where's the real food!?" I ask putting my hands on my waist.

"Check the freezer." Marcus replies m. I open the freezer.

"Are we on a cheese diet or something?!" I ask.

"Uh... No why?" Marcus asks standing up straight.

"Because. They only thing in here is moldy cheese." I say angrily.

"What?!" Marcus and Aubrey screech. I jump.

"Sorry... but that's it. Just cheese." Marcus asks.

"Uh yeah. Just cheese. Moldy cheese." I say shivering.

"I'm never eating cheese again." Aubrey whines. She walks back over to her bed.

"Goodnight!" Aubrey yells. I give her a weird look.

"It's 4am. I'm going back to bed." She says laying down, pulling he blanket to her chin.

"Get us some real food." I say before walking over to my bed and doing the same thing Aubrey did.

"Very well. Sleep well." Marcus says before exiting the room.

"Disgusting." I mutter before letting sleep take over.

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