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Luke's POV
"Luke. This is the stupid idea ever. You know that right?!" Liam says quietly as we duck between bushes and trees.

"Yeah. Well. Whatever." I mumble lowly. I kept my eyes on the basement window.

"Luke. Luke stop!" Liam whisper yelled grabbing onto my shoulder turning me to face him.

"This is the stupidest plan, ever made in the history of stupid plans!" He whisper yells again. I just stare at him.

"Nothing is stupid, when the people we love are in danger." I say before turning away.

"Luke... Darcy wouldn't want you to get hurt.." Liam states.

"Do not. Ever put words in her mouth.. Hmm Aubrey wouldn't want you to get hurt." I say directly at him. His eyes goes dark.

"Shut the fuck up." Liam growled darkly. I roll my eyes, I look back at the castle.

"Our girls. Are I'm there." I say pointing at the castle. "We are not! Fighting here." I yell slightly.

Liam sighs. "Your right.. I'm-I'm sorry." Liam says lowering his head in shame.

I sigh as I walk over to him. "it's fine. We have to concentrate. This could be our only shot." I say placing a hand on his shoulder. Liam nods.

"Let's do this." He says confidently. I smile.

"Hey! What about me?!" Niall whines. I laugh.

"C'mere buddy." I say bringing him down into a headlock, I mess his hair up.

I let him go, he stands up ruffling his hair.

"Not cool man." Niall says coldly. But soon breaks into a fit of laughter. I clamp my hand on him mouth, trying to stop the constant giggles falling out from his mouth.

"Niall. Shut up." I say laughing a little.

"We have to get this done." I say. He goes dead serious.

"I'm ready." Niall nods.

I nod. "Lets go." I say. I turn and start off in the direction of the castle.

"Where are all the guards??" Liam asks looking around taking his surroundings in.

"I dont know... Something doesnt seem right though." I say shaking my head back forth.

"I know... Are you sure that this is Marcus's castle?" Niall asked. I look at him.

"Really?" I ask giving him the stink eye.

"what?" Niall shrugs. I roll my eyes before looking back up at the castle.

"Im sure... This is my kingdom.. I've memorized every nitch and corner on this planet." I say looking around.

"Lets sneak around to the window.." Liam says walking towards the castle.

"Liam! Wait!" I yell holding my hand out.

"What?" Liam asks turning around facing me.

"What if this is a trap??" I ask looking around. I look at the ground above the window. BINGO!

"There." I say pointing at the ground. I speed over to it. It is covered in camaflouge, so I lift it up. A giant wooden stick pops out of the ground causing me to jump back.

"See.. We have to be careful. This was ment for the girls if they escaped... not for intruders." I say looking up at them. Niall nods and breaks into the window. I jump in, Liam and Niall hot on my trails.


"This doesnt make any sense?? Where is everything?" I ask cutting Liam off.

"You said they were here." I growl turning to Niall. He had a confused look on his face himself.

"They said they were." Niall said confusion laced in his voice.

"Luke. Look!" Liam said pointing over to the metal wall. I speed over to it, I see a letter. I rip it off the wall.

"What does it say?" Niall and Liam ask in unison.

Dear Boys.

        I guess you found the 'girls'. Ha! not even close. We are miles from here, the converge is coming up, I will make sure to get the wedding on film. I'll have my servants send you a copy. The girls miss you dearly, especially Darcy... Whipping her was so good. Her blistered skin. Watching blood pour out from ecery cut her body consumed. Now Darcy wouldnt let anthing happen to Liam's precious Aubrey. So Darcy has been taking all of the beatings, so she could save her best friend.

Have a nice time trying to find us. The converge is in a month and a half. So sorry you will have to miss it. Bye Bye Lukey. -Marcus.

When I had finished the note, my breathing was heavy.

"Why would Darcy take all of the beatings??" Nialls asks looking at. I could see him out of the corner of my eye.

"Because she think she can handle it! God! Shes gonna get herself killed..." I say tears filling up in my eyes.

"Hey! Luke at least we tried." Liam says placing his hands on my shoulders.

"And now they are gonna have to converge! Marcus just wont stop." I growl.

"Do you smell that?" Niall asks sniffing the air sllightly.

"What?" I ask walking over to him. I sniffed a smiled.

"Darcy's and Aubreys scent.." Liam said.

"We could trace them..." Niall says, his eyes going black.

"Lets go."

Our JourneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora