Chapter 36- My Dear.

Start from the beginning

You turned a sharp corner, turning back and shooting the ceiling with an electro attack. The ceiling gave out, preventing the guards from progressing any further. You chuckled to yourself, slightly proud.

You tucked your hands behind your back, now in hand. You were in the grand hallway. You could hear a mound of commotion coming from behind you.

Gotta run.

You took off in another direction, attempting to reach the west wing of the palace. You needed to take a detour to the throne room, without getting caught.

"Bold of you to come here of all times." You heard heels clacking from behind you.

You turned sharply, inhaling.

The first harbinger.

"Y/N." He placed his hand on his hip, "Interesting stunt you pulled back there."

You scoffed. Now of all times he was trying to get a reaction out of you?

"I don't have time for this." You growled, turning to being running again. As you took as step forward, you were pulled back. The collar of your jacket choking you.

"Gah- L-Let go!" You ordered, dangling above the ground.

"So you are with Tartaglia... That traitor." He hissed, throwing you across the room.

You hit the floor. You pushed yourself back up, trying to regain your breath.

"Leave him out of this, Dottore."

"How can I? He's the one who lied to her face." He smirked, walking closer to you.

Your eyes widened.
Lied to her?

Dottore saw it all in your expression, "That's right my dear. Your precious boy toy was caught." He shook his head, "He really thought he could get away with it."

"W-What do you mean? What happened to him?" Your voice shook, your heart pounding.

"Oh hun," he grasped your chin with his hand, "He's dead."

You felt like your whole world stopped turning. You felt your breathing stop. You mouth lay agape.
He can't be dead. He promised you he'd come back.
He's not dead. He wouldn't do that to you.
You fell backwards.

"No, no, no, no..." Your breath shook as your hands fling to your mouth.

You wished you could just die, right here, right now.

"Y-You're lying.. You're lying!" You screamed, tears rolling from your (e/c) orbs.

He shook his head.
"You want proof? Go see her, you'll get all the proof you want."

He threw something in your direction.

Childe's mask.

You caught the battered item in your hands.
You gazed down at it. Your breath hitching.
You sobbed even harder, holding the delusion tight to your chest.

"My god, you really are fucking pathetic." Dottore spat.

He marched up to you, kicking you in the stomach, pushing you down. He placed his face close to yours, "And you ever reek of him." He scrunched his nose under his mask.

You hit your head against the ground, your head already pounding from your crying. This just made it worse.

He shoved a hand on your head, forcing your head down. He forced your gaze upon his.

"Forget about him. You were just one of his whores anyways." He spat, inches from your face.

You couldn't utter any sounds, just a single gasp. Another blow hit you in the chest. Except you were now against the wall. A polearm was shoved through your shoulder blade, hitching you to the wall.

You screamed out of pain, the throbbing intensified.
Your body tensed from the intense pain, you hand still clutching Childe's mask. You refused to let it go.

While you hyperventilated, you could hear the cackle of both Dottore and another voice.

A woman's voice.

It's her.

Her highness.

It's surely over for you. This time you were going to die.

But death didn't scare you. You would be with Childe again.

"Excellent work Dottore." She praised, stepping forward towards you.

You tensed further under her touch, you were struggling to breath.

"S-sto.." Your voice trailed off, you couldn't speak it hurt so bad.

She laughed, "Not even you could handle this? Man, you've really disappointed me, y/n."

Those words hurt you. You loved her so much.

Your face scrunched up, "Childe." You breathed, "W-Wher- is he..?" You struggled.

"Hell." She smiled, her eyes containing a wicked glow.

You gasped, yet again. The tears haven't stopped.
Please, just deny it. That's not the answer you wanted. You can't accept he's dead until you've seen him.

"Don't worry my darling, you'll meet him soon enough." She sneered, turning away from you, "Away from her, let her rot in peace."

Wait. She's leaving you?

You let out another piercing scream. The spear that was shoved inside you pulsated with cryo energy.

Death couldn't come faster. You allowed yourself to hang there, despair slowly overtaking you. You didn't feel any blood dripping, so hopefully you didn't stain his jacket.

I'm always the one getting hurt.

I'm always the one who is dying.

I don't get it.

I didn't get an explanation.

What did I do?

What did you do?

You closed your eyes. You didn't want to see anymore. Your body felt cold and wet.

Odd. Isn't blood supposed to be warm and hot?

"Hold still, girlie. Don't close your eyes. Stay with me." You heard a voice mumble through your fuzzy head.

"C-Childe?" You croaked.

I'm finally dead.

"Yes it's me, darling," you felt a gloved hand rest ok your cheek, "Look at me."

You hazily pulled your eyes open, there he stood, over top of you. He looked rough, his hair was a mess. His matching jacket was yet as clean as ever. His eyes pierced through yours.

"You're not dying on my hands," he said as he navigated his hands around your wound.

"W-What do you mean?" You groggily asked, "Isn't the afterlife supposed to be nice? You died, remember?"

"Oh girlie," he chuckled, "Who told you I was dead?" He sadly smiled, some tears welled up in his eyes.

Your eyes widened.
You felt another stab of pain in your chest, yet you felt pressure leave your body. You heard clanging behind him.

The spear.

"I'm as alive as ever my dear."
Chapter 36- End


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