Chapter 8- Dinner plans.

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Childe nodded, "I understand. We all have our secrets."

Childe then hoisted himself off of your bed, "You gonna unpack? We have dinner pretty soon."

You totally forgot about your luggage that sat next to you. You turned around and opened it. You slowly pulled out a few necessities, nothing much. You didn't have too many belongings anyways. Everything you needed fit in your bag. Dinner was being served in about twenty minutes from now. You were feeling quite hungry, for you skipped lunch.
Once you finished unpacking what you needed, you stood up and walked over to Childe. He was sitting at the small table placed in the corner of your room.

"What are you doing?" You asked as you pulled out the chair across from him.
You sat down.
"Just reading," He smiled back up at you.
You cocked an eyebrow, "Reading what?"
"I'm just rereading some letters from my family. I do it when I miss them." He answered.
"Awe, thats very sweet." You replied.

You wanted to get the idea of family out of your head. You decided to change the subject, "Want to go get dinner together?"

Childe smirked, "Are you asking me on a date?"

You rolled your eyes, "You wish, lover boy."
You were surprised how confidently you said it. Your heart was racing a million miles and an hour in your chest. All you could hear was a low chuckle emit from behind you.
He walked over to the door and opened it. He held his hand out, "Ladies first."

You grabbed his hand, and began pulling him down the corridor. You thought he was inviting you to hold his hand, so you took it.

"My, eager aren't we?" Childe asked as you drug him down the hallway.

"C'mon Childe! Hurry up!" You ushered.

"I am only going as fast as you're pulling me girlie. We could be going much faster." Childe hinted.

"Are you calling me slow?" You pursed your lips, "I bet I could outrun you any day!"

"Keep telling yourself that, darling."

Your face heat up faster than you could take your next step. Why is he the only one who could make you react this way? You've only known him for a few days!

But you had to admit, you wanted to hear more from him. He seems to be the only one to bring out your true personality and raw emotions.

You were so lost in your thoughts you weren't watching where you were going.

You slammed up against a door and fell backwards. You weren't falling very long before you felt a pair of arms catch you.
"Are you okay?!" Childe panicked, "You didn't hear me call out to you?!"

You rubbed your forehead, "N-no."
You felt embarrassed, acting like a total mess in front of him. You brushed it off and acted like nothing happened, "I think we're here."

The door opened to reveal a huge dining hall. You were astonished, "It's so big!! We get to eat here?"
Childe chuckled, "You bet! Now, let's go sit somewhere."

Childe found his heart melting at the sight of seeing you so ecstatic. You were starting to come out of your shell. Something that neither you nor him thought would ever happen.

You both found your way to an empty table nearby and sat next to each other. The room was filled with many others, but you were the only ones with a table to themselves.

A waiter came by with some beverages and offered  them to you and Childe. You both gladly took one. "What is this?" You asked inspecting the glass.
"Snezhnayan wine, only the finest made." Childe smiled before downing his in one gulp.
You've never had wine before. You took a sip of it, your eyes lighting up, "This is delicious! I cant believe that I never indulged in something like this before!"

"I'll be right back," Childe said as he stood up from his chair.

"I'll be waiting!" You called back.
You sighed and relaxed in your chair. You inspected the room before feeling a tap on your shoulder. You turned around around expecting Childe. But it wasn't.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" A man pointed to the seat next to you.

"Yes. It is." You answered, clearly not interested.

The mysterious man looked around, "I don't see anyone." He still sat down.

An irk mark appeared on your forehead.

"So. You got a boyfriend?" He asked, leaning in very close to you.

You could smell the stench of alcohol from his breath. It made you want to hurl. He wasn't even attractive.

"No." You answered annoyed.

"What a shame. A beautiful young lady like yourself shouldn't be without a man to protect you." He said as he reached out to twirl a piece of your loose hair.

You pulled back, "I don't need a man to protect me. I am perfectly fine on my own."

The nasty man chuckled, "I like that attitude. What do you say you come hang with me? Have a few drinks? Have some fun?"

You were repulsed, "No thank you. I am actually-"

"Y/N!" You heard a voice from behind you call out.

You turned around, "C-Childe! You're back!"

He glanced over to the man next to you, "Who is this?"

You struggled to find the words.

"This little lady caught my eye and I just had to come talk to her." The man said while glaring at Childe.

Childe took a quick glance at you and could read what you were thinking. He crossed his arms over his chest, "Y/N, my love, let's go get some food."

You looked up at Childe, relieved.
"Yes. P-Please." You said before swiftly getting up and standing next to Childe, practically hugging him.
Childe led the way, "What was that about?"

"I don't know, but he was really freaking me out. Thank you for saving me back there." You sheepishly smiled.

"I think I may have scared him away. You won't have to worry about him again girlie. I will not leave your side, I promise." He held out his pinkie.

You lightly smiled as you intertwined your pinkie with his. You slightly shuddered at the contact.

"You make a pinkie promise, you keep it all your life. You break a pinkie promise, I throw you in the ice. The cold will kill the pinkie that once betrayed your friend, the frost will freeze your tongue off so you never lie again." Childe recited.

It sounded like he's rehearsed this his entire life.
You weren't expecting an entire chant, but it was sweet that he was showing you how serious he was.

~Time passed and the two have grabbed your food and returned to your table.

"Oh. My wine is still here, I forgot I left it here." You murmured before settling down into your chair.

You took a bite of your food. It was as delicious as the food you had for breakfast. You took a sip of your wine to wash it down. It tasted a little différent.

Chapter 8- End.

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