Chapter 4- Friend.

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You quickly turned back into the city. You needed to think of something to say in order to approach them. You cannot let them get away.
They were at the adventurers guild. You hurried over to them.
You tapped on the young blond boys' shoulder, "Excuse me," you smiled, "You're part of the adventurers guild, correct?"
He turned around, he was caught by surprise. Your h/c locks and your fair e/c orbs were captivating to him. "Y-Yes?" He asked.
You giggled, "Great! If you don't mind, could you please assist me?"

The little floating 'pet' flew in between the two of you, "Excuse me! Can't you see we're busy?!"

You put your hands out in front of you, "My apologies! But I really need help and you two caught my eye. You both look like you are very trust worthy, especially you, little one."

The little floating things eyes sparkled, "Really? Me? Oh I am flattered!"
The boy cleared his throat, "We would be more than happy to assist you. What's the problem?"

You clapped your hands in excitement, "Thank you so much! I really appreciate it, you guys are life savers," you smile, "The problem is, I came across an overwhelming amount of monsters and I don't think I can take them on myself."

You pouted a little. Hopefully adding onto the convincing act. You knew more than well that you could easily take down the gang of rascals, but you needed your information. What's a better way to gain trust than to fight together in battle?

The boy noticed how worried you looked, "D-don't worry! Of course we'll help you out," he smiled gently.

The silence was awkward. You did not know what to say next. You speak up, "O-Oh, my name is Ange. What are your names?"

The little fairy thing bubbled up in front of you, "My name's Paimon! And this is Aether! It's nice to meet you, Ange!"

You giggle, "It's nice to the both of you."

My archon, I can already tell that they're both annoying as hell.

Aether grabbed your hand, "Let's not waste a moment more!"

The three of you hurried out of Mondstat. You guided them to where these 'monsters' were. It was a few hour walk, so why not get information of of them.

Your cleared your throat, "Aether, I haven't seen you around here before. Where are you from?"

"U-Um. Well, I am not from Teyvat. I am actually here looking for someone."
"Oh, and who is that?" You said curiously.
"My sister. We were separated." He sighed with sadness edging his voice, "Now we are working towards the seven."

You frowned, "What a shame. I am so sorry. I hope you find her soon," you allowed a few moments of silence to pass, "Um- if I may ask, why are you working towards meeting the seven?"

"Ooh! Paimon knows this! Aether wants to meet with the seven archons. They could possibly give further information about where his sister is!" The little fairy exclaimed.

Bingo. That was easier than expected.

I smiled, "That sounds like a wonderful idea. I wish you luck on your journey."

Aether giggled, "Thank you. We've already met one of the them. The wind archon. That explains where my vision came from."

"Oooh, really? That's amazing! Which archon are you venturing towards now?" You asked.

"The Geo archon. In Liyue." He answered.

Perfect. You got everything you needed.

You looked ahead, "We're here. Could you please take care of them for me? Of course I'll help out." I give an innocent smile.

Aether nodded before running towards the band of hilichurls. You summoned your sword and followed suit. You took down the abyss mages while Aether took down the others.

You began to feel excitement gather in your core. Goodness, how you loved fighting. You were slowly falling into a frenzy.

What are you thinking, Y/N?! Restrain yourself, you're supposed to appear as the weak one here.

You heard a loud call from behind you.

Aether's back was turned and your enemy was almost dead. You ripped off the top of a nearby arrow and launched it into Aether's back. Direct hit.
You stabbed your self as well, just to add to the whole act.

"ACK!" You yelp out as you allow the abyss mage to strike you just once.
"Ange!" Paimon yelled out.
"'I'm fine! Don't mind me!" You respond as your finish off the final of the enemies.
Aether finished up too.
"Whew, that fight took longer than I wanted it to." Aether sighed in relief, "Are you okay? Your arm is bleeding and your left side of your head is injured."
Aether attempted to reach out to aid you but you stepped back, "Oh! I'm fine, but are you okay? Your back is bleeding like crazy!" You cried out.

You grabbed a roll of gauze from the first aid kit you summoned. You look at Aether and he nods. You began to wrap his back.
Damn I left a huge gash. I kind of feel bad.

Aether winced in pain as you added a slight amount of pressure, "Gentle please."
"My apologies." You said with a monotone voice.
You finished wrapping him up, "There, all better."
He turned around. He had a light blush on his face and his ears were red, "T-Thank you. I'm glad I was able to help."

You grabbed his hands, causing him to blush even more, "No, I thank you for helping me. I couldn't have done this without you."


"It's n-n-no worries!" He shook his hands out in front of him, "After all, I was able to make a new f-friend."

"Friend?" I say out of shock.
"Yes, a friend." Aether said with a closed eye smile.
"Hmm, yes. A friend." I say with a slight frown, "I must be going now. Thanks for your help."

Paimon stopped you from walking away, "Can't you stay with us a bit longer?"

You shook your head, "I'm sorry, but no. I have things to do."

You walked back to the inn in Mondstat. You were exhausted from even that simple fight. Without your mask, you don't conserve as much energy.
You climbed up the stairs and entered the same room from earlier. You changed your clothes quickly and didn't bother to wash your face. You were proud of what you were able to accomplish today. You decided to return to Snezhnaya tomorrow to deliver the news to the tsaritsa. You couldn't wait to be back home.

You climbed into bed once more, immediately closing your eyes.
Chapter 4- End.

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