"900!? I knew kitsune's had long lives but that's just absurd" Talia mumbled.

Kira is shocked but rolling with it. She turns to her father and asks his age. He says 43, but adds that he's told he looks mid-30s.

"The whole Yukimura family is pure entertainment here" Peter laughed.

Kira hands off the katana to her mother. She opens the scabbard and the broken pieces of the sword fall out. She explains that the blade was shattered the last time it was used against a Nogitsune in 1943. Scott points out that history is repeating itself. Mr. Yukimura quotes Spanish philosopher George Santayana, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Kira wants to know where the dark spirit came from and Mrs. Yukimura says it started at a Japanese Internment Camp called Oak Creek not too far from Beacon Hills. Scott reminds Mr. Yukimura that he told Allison and Isaacthat there was no such place. He admits he lied saying he didn't know if he could trust Allison since the Argents have a reputation for violence.

"Rude" Allison huffed. "You have Gerard and Kate in your family. And let's not forget your mom" Derek added with a raised eyebrow. "You have a point" Allison said with a scowl.

Noshiko says the history of the camp was erased in a cover-up. Mr. Yukimura says he became obsessed with finding the truth of Oak Creek when he was in Grad School. It was his research that led him to meet his wife. Noshiko admits that ultimately the Nogitsune came from her.

"WHAT!?" almost the whole room shouted in unison.

Inside one of the barracks at Oak Creek, a woman is handing out the apples Noshiko stole from the truck earlier. She warns the other prisoners to keep their voices down because if the guards hear they'll get nothing. Noshiko give a baseball she stole from soldier Hayes to Michio, a young boy. The cautious woman chastises Noshiko for stealing the baseball, knowing it could cause trouble. Noshiko turns to an older woman named Satomi who is playing a board game called "Go" saying that she can "feel" her glaring.

"Is that Satomi!?" Laura's jaws dropped. "Who is Satomi?" Scott asked. "One of the oldest Alpha's alive. Now we know she was older than 900" Talia mumbled.

Satomi says Noshiko steals too often and too much and refuses to be swayed when offered a full bottle of aspirin, despite her "monthly migraines." There follows here some subtext with Satomi saying that Noshiko thinks her a fool and a coward for following the rules. Satomi says the young fox learns the rules so she can break them while the older, wiser animal learns the exceptions to the rules. At that moment Michio's ball goes flying through the window pane shattering the glass. Everyone panics and hides the stolen goods. Soldiers Hayes, Merrick and Corporal Rhys respond to the noise. Merrick says there were supplies stolen. He begins to touch one of the female prisoners, suggestively searching the pockets of her dress.

"Creep" Laura growled.

Hayes begins searching the bunks but Rhys stops them. He says the prisoners are to fix the window and delays the search for the stolen goods until the next day. Before he exits, Rhys returns the baseball to Michio. To Noshiko, Satomi says "jigoujitoku" which she translates as "you reap what you sow." The phrase usually has a negative connotation meaning you will receive the results of your past actions.

"Not foreshadowing at all" Stiles rolled his eyes.

In the present, Noshiko is trying to get her daughter to help her reassemble the katana. She says it has to be done in the daylight. Kira refuses until her mother tells them "everything." Mr. Yukimura urges his wife to tell them but she stubbornly brings up how wolves and foxes don't get along. Mr. Yukimura counters saying allies, however unlikely, should always be welcomed in times of war.

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