Chapter 36: 3-10

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A storm is raging above Beacon Hills Hospital. The wind rips at trees and the clouds rush past a nearly full moon. In front of the Emergency Room entrance, patients are wheeled out on gurneys trailing intravenous infusion stands. The flashing lights from two ambulances and a Sheriff's Department truck add to the general chaos.

"The storm looks very bad if we are evacuating the whole building" Melissa said worriedly.

Inside, Melissa McCall tries to organize the evacuation of patients. She orders the nurses to evacuate each room then place a red X in tape across the door to indicate that the patient is out. An unidentified Doctor explains that the severe weather was unexpected because only "mild thunderstorms" were predicted. Melissa says that the situation is much worse than expected with electricity blackouts in several towns and that a town called "Hill Valley" is under a flood watch. The doctor is concerned because he lives in Hill Valley and Melissa allows him to evacuate after learning that only one of his patients, Cora Hale, has not yet been evacuated.

"You let the doctor go when Cora was still left? Why!?" Laura asked. "Because I'm pretty sure the wolves would have a much easier time escorting her out without any interruptions" Melissa pointed out.

Peter Hale is tending to his niece. Cora lies unconscious, covered in sweat in one of the hospital's treatment rooms. Peter is frustrated because she has not yet been evacuated. Melissa hears him from the hallway and enters explaining that the evacuation is ongoing. She then sees his face and is drawn up short in shock. Peter attempts to slip into room's limited shadows but it's too late. Melissa expresses her shock that he is supposed to be dead to which Peter responds "I get that a lot actually."

"Only Peter would respond with that" Talia rolled her eyes.

Before they can say anything more, the machines monitoring Cora's vitals begin to beep. She gasps for breath, sits up and vomits a combination of black goo and mistletoe.

"Of course it would be mistletoe" Laura growled.

Jennifer Blake rushes into Derek's Loft. She embraces him and says she wanted to get to him before he heard awful things about her.

"Awful my ass" Stiles growled.

She kisses him and pulls back, realizing that he already knows what happened at the school. Scott and Stiles step forward and demand to know what she's done with Sheriff Stilinski. Tears well in Stiles' eyes and he can hardly form the words.

"Stiles" Claudia and Noah sighed sadly.

She denies everything at first and only acquiesces to the truth after Scott douses her with powdered Mistletoe. He says Deaton explained that the plant is a poison and a cure. Scott says this means that Jennifer can use it and it can be used against her. When he tosses the powder into the air, Jennifer reverts to the badly scarred and bald Darach appearance then back to her beautiful disguise.

"Snake under the beautiful flower" Lydia mumbled.

Derek grabs her by the throat. She pleads with him that they will need her help to save Cora and urges Derek to call Peter.

ForesightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora