"Busted" Stiles teased with a smirk.

Stiles is at the hospital. Melissa McCall explains that "Dr. Gardner isn't back until next week" then says Stiles can see one of the hospital's urgent care doctors. Stiles panics. Seeing his distress, Melissa takes him to an exam room. He explains the anxiety and panic attacks, sleeplessness, sleepwalking (which he says he also suffered as a kid) and blackouts. He says his Adderall isn't working and he is feeling irritable to the point of homicide with vivid dreams during the day. Melissa gives him Midazolam - a common drug used to relax patients before surgery. She says he is "profoundly sleep deprived." As he is dozing off, he calls Melissa "Mom."

Claudia smiled sadly at the scene. She hugged Stiles as tight as she could. Stiles surprised at first returned the hug.

Silverfinger will not meet in person to purchase the weapon. Chris comes up with a plan to have Isaac pose as the seller while he and Allison search the location of the buy for Silverfinger.

"Hah! Bad plan" Stiles called out. " hate to say this, but Stiles is right" Isaac grumbled.

Isaac is unsure he can pull it off saying the suit and tie Chris gave him to wear makes him look like he "just stepped out of the last period of a Catholic prep school" he is nervous until Allison takes him aside, kisses him and places his hand on her buttocks. Filled with confidence, Isaac walks into the buy.

"So a butt touch is all you need to fill yourself with confidence?" Laura raised an eyebrow. "And a kiss" Isaac grinned.

Wanting to ditch the twins in order to keep them out of harm's way, Scott steals spark plugs from their motorcycles. They are left behind as he rides off with Kira. Silverfinger's henchman is a werewolf too. He offers $100 thousand dollars for pistol. Stalling for time, Isaac says he has to count the money and pulls out an automatic counting machine. At his house, Scott rushes around closing and locking all the windows. He explains that Dr. Deaton has installed supernatural security system in the McCall house but that his mom has to arm it.

"Supernatural security system" Laura snorts.

Kira has figured out that Scott thinks she might be the target of the Oni and that he brought her to his house to protect her. At the hospital, Melissa takes Stiles chart and compares it to one from another patient who died in 2004. The symptoms, "Hallucinations, Impulsivity, Irritable, and Insomnia" as well as vivid daytime dreaming and an inability to distinguish dreams from reality match on both charts. The old chart belongs to Stiles' mother, Claudia Stilinski.

"Both the Stilinski couple's eyes widened, as did Scott's. Stiles though was oddly silent.

Allison and Chris systematically take out all of Silverfinger's men. Isaac continues kills time by telling the story of the pistol. It was a gift from Louis XIV of France to a prominent family. It has only ever been fired once during a duel between brothers on the grounds of the Palace of Versailles. The henchman hands over a case with $150 thousand. Isaac, still killing time, says he'll have to count the money and brings out an automatic counting machine. Kira sits on Scott's bed and she explains a bit about the Kitsune myth. She pulls out a children's book called "Japanese Mythology: Creatures, Spirits and Demons" and shows him pictures of the fox. Scott draws a parallel between a picture of a multi-tailed fox surrounded by lightning and Kira's handling of the electricity at the substation. Kira says it's called "foxfire" and that kitsune can produce it by rubbing their tails together. She's quick to add that she has no tails. Scott is amazed that she knew what he was thinking – she jokes that kitsune can also read minds.

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