Chapter 38.2

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A carved wooden door opened to an office lined with wood bookshelves that held actual books. In the middle of the room, soft light reflected from the mirrored top of a polished wooden desk. To one side stood a conference table surrounded by six cushioned chairs.

Hope wandered into an expansive bathroom. The white marble bathtub seemed almost big enough to swim laps. As she rounded the corner to another door, her mouth dropped, since there waited a spa pool where she actually could swim laps. A massage table topped with folded fluffy white towels stood ready to one side.

A guilt enveloped her like a dark cloud. This is far too much. How could I be an Empress for the people while living in such opulence?

Gabriel, with Eshe at his side, came up behind his sister. "Wow. I thought my room was posh, but this is over the top."

"Yeah," Hope said. "Way over the top."

"Empress, if I may," said a young woman wearing white shirt and slacks, which seemed to be the dress of the assistants and attendants. Her eyes scanned Hope. "We obtained your measurements from your ship AI and should have suitable gowns sewn for you by the morning. What a strange AI, though. It wanted to tell me your life story," she remarked while scrolling through a tablet viewer. "Ah yes, and we have you scheduled to meet with Priestess Ciel's legal representatives now and then dinner with the Sol Board."

Gabriel smirked. "No rest for the wicked, Hope."

The attendant narrowed her eyes at him for a moment, then addressed her tablet, "Locate Priestess Ciel."

A plain female voice responded from the tablet. "The Priestess is in her quarters with a guest."

Tapping the woman on the arm, Gabriel cautioned, "They have been separated for a while. I would suggest that you do not barge in too quickly."

As the attendant led them away, Hope whispered to her brother, "They are not used to us backwater outsiders, so behave."

The lead attorney, Gael Bross, and two other women of the legal team rose from their chairs as Hope, Gabriel, Claire, and Eshe entered the conference room. She bowed and placed a hand over her heart. "Welcome, Empress. I am pleased to finally meet you."

After a few moments, Celeste and Moon walked in hand-in-hand. The slight flush on Celeste's cheeks paled next to the full blush on the attendant that escorted them. Gabriel cast a knowing smirk toward Hope, whispering, "I told them..."

When they all sat down, Gael began the briefing. "With the evidence provided, I feel optimistic about a full acquittal. At the upcoming evidence hearing I will move for immediate dismissal of all charges, and I think we will be successful for some." She turned toward Claire and smiled. "Thank you, Claire, for agreeing to testify. Your words will help ensure a successful outcome."

Claire smiled in return. "It will be my pleasure, ma'am."

"If it would help," Hope interjected, "I would also be happy to take the witness stand."

"I might take you up on that offer, Empress." Gael winked, then continued. "Invoking the Prosecution from the Defense statute to condemn the Trade Consortium is more problematic. In short, we need more solid evidence of corruption. It is somewhat of a Catch 22 situation, if I may use that ancient term, in that we need the powers of the statute in order to get the evidence needed to enact it."

After a nod from Gabriel, Hope said, "We understand there is a secret database detailing Consortium activities, including the illegal ones, within their headquarters building. I may be able to access it. Do you understand how, Ms. Bross?"

Gael nodded. "I do, Empress."

"What are the legal ramifications of obtaining evidence in this way?" Hope asked.

"There was a precedent set long ago. The court allowed the evidence because the Empress did not actually break into or hack the files. I think it would be allowed."

"Good." Hope turned back to Eshe, standing behind with arms crossed, who frowned but said nothing. "We will make plans to do so."

Celeste leaned forward, unclasping Moon's hand. "Hope, you must not put yourself at risk on my account. There may be other ways."

"If it might take down the Trade Consortium," Hope replied, "Then it will be worth the risk." Eshe let out a subtle grunt from behind, to which Hope sighed. "We will work to manage the risk."

After a knock on the door, the attendant peeked in, glancing down at her tablet, "Pardon me, Empress Designate, but it is time to meet with the Sol Governance Board."

Hope gulped, and a nervous tingle crawled down her spine. The Board, made up of senior Sol Priestesses and legalists, had the responsibility of selecting a new Sol Empress, or in very rare cases, removing one, all by a rigorous code. They were essentially the checks and balances to the office.

"I will escort the Empress Designate," Gael said. Moon and the others stood, except Celeste, to which Gael held out a hand. "Only the Designate, daughter of Iona, is allowed."

"I wish to bring my brother, Gabriel," Hope said. "He is also a genetic offspring of Iona."

Gael thought for a moment, putting a hand to her chin. "Very well."

Two massive white doors ahead looked like an entrance to court, where judgment would be cast. The closer they got, the tighter the anxiety that gripped Hope's heart. She wrapped her arms around herself, then jerked when a hand appeared on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, Hope," Gabriel whispered. "You've got this. Like, what other choice do they have?" He grinned. "And I promise not to screw it up for you."

"Yeah." She nodded with a grin as his words eased her racing heart. Sometimes, he says the right thing.

A guard in a blue and red uniform holding a ceremonial staff bowed as they approached. The heavy door creaked and groaned in protest as the guard hefted it open. Hope almost expected to see flickering torches and a hooded jury inside.

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