The hearing happened remotely. Celeste, wearing the long white gown of a Sol Priestess, stood in a conference room within the Empress' estate. To her right stood the defense lead attorney, Gael Bross, a wiry woman with shoulder length silver hair wearing a similar gown, but with a black and gold sash signifying her status as High Court Barrister. From experience decades ago, Celeste knew that her petite genteel shell concealed the heart of a wildcat, one best not provoked. Commander Alistair Miles stood to the left in a blue uniform, with hands clasped behind his back.

A single judge, an older woman in a black robe, sat in the middle of five high-backed chairs behind a curved black desk, appearing to Celeste as a holographic image. Off to the side, a member of the prosecuting team, a tall man with gray-streaked brown hair wearing a dark suit with sash, sat before a small table. He drew down bushy eyebrows as his eyes scanned Celeste and Gael.

The bailiff, a short bald man wearing a blue uniform, stepped into view and announced the case. "The preliminary hearing of the Sol Commonwealth versus Ms. Celeste Ciel is now commenced."

"Correction," Celeste's attorney said in an even voice. "It is Sol Priestess Celeste Ciel. The Empress Pro Tempore has reinstated her position."

The bailiff turned around to the judges. The judge nodded without expression, saying, "Very well. The correction is so noted." The bailiff then retreated out of the image.

"Have you received the formal charges, councilor?" the judge asked.

"We have, your Honor," answered Gael. "And we waive the formal reading."

"So moved. The charges shall be entered into the record."

Good. There are so many charges that it would take all day to read them all aloud.

The judge continued. "Ms... Priestess Ciel, the accusations against you are of the most serious nature. Do you understand the charges?"

Everything from terrorism and mass murder to littering. Celeste responded, "I do, your Honor."

The prosecuting attorney rose, adjusting his suit jacket. "The Prosecution moves to remand Ms. Ciel to Sol Commonwealth confinement without bail due to the seriousness of the charges and flight risk."

Celeste trembled inside. Please no...

"The defense objects, your Honor." Gael took a step forward with fire in her eyes. "Confinement would put the defendant's life at unnecessary risk. As detailed in the defense preliminary brief, already twice in Commonwealth custody have there been assassination attempts against Priestess Ciel." She stressed the title Priestess while glaring at the prosecuting attorney.

The judge scrolled through her tablet viewer and then glanced up. "Commander Miles, do you attest under oath that the information in your report is true and accurate?"

The Commander stiffened. "Yes, your Honor. I do so attest."

"The report shall be entered into the records." She touched her tablet viewer.

Gael continued. "Further, your Honor, due to the political nature of the crimes and suspicion of corruption within the Sol Commonwealth government, Priestess Ciel is under protective custody of the Sol Empress Pro Tempore."

"Preposterous, your Honor!" The prosecutor jumped up. "This is uncalled for!"

Gael took another step forward. "The Commonwealth Constitution is clear, your Honor. The Empress has such power under Section Four. The Parliament may override by legislation if they feel this improper."

The judge thought for a moment, then said, "Would the office of the Sol Empress ensure the defendant's presence for legal proceedings and judgment?"

Gael nodded. "I am authorized to respond yes, your Honor."

"Very well," the judge responded. "The High Court remands the defendant into the custody of the Empress Pro Tempore." The prosecutor huffed, but said nothing, while Celeste resisted the urge to let out a big sigh of relief. Scanning the attorneys, the judge proclaimed, "The Evidentiary Hearing is scheduled in forty-eight days. Is there anything else?"

"Yes, your Honor," Gael responded. "There is one more thing. The defense moves to enact provisions of the 'Prosecution from the Defense' statute, specifically against the Trade Consortium."

Celeste smiled. A wildcat indeed! Gael just swiped a claw at Diego. The old statute would open up grand jury type prosecution and broader evidence gathering powers for the defense team.

"Objection!" the prosecutor shouted, his face reddening. "That statute is archaic and inapplicable in this case."

"It is entirely applicable, your Honor," Gael responded, her voice unwavering. "The statute was designed specifically for such a situation where corruption exists in a governmental or quasi-governmental organization relevant to the defense. We are prepared to show just that."

"The statute requires just cause, councilor. The Court will take the defense motion under advisement until the Evidentiary Hearing." The judge paused. "If there is nothing else, the Court is adjourned." The holographic display blinked off.

Gael lifted a corner of her mouth, turning toward Celeste. "Thus, the games begin. We have a lot of work to do. The court will be reluctant to grant our motion unless we have solid evidence of willful corruption." With a clasp of hands, the attorney departed.

After blowing out a long breath, Celeste turned toward Alistair and took up his hands. "Commander, your duty is now complete. I owe you my life, and I cannot thank you enough. But this can't be good for your career."

"About that," he said, maintaining a stoic expression. "I intend to file for retirement tomorrow. And after that, there is this certain sailboat for sale that I may acquire..." His words trailed off as a faraway focus came to his eyes and a hint of a smile on his usual stoic face.

Celeste moved forward and wrapped him in a hug." Then smooth sailing, my friend."

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