Chapter 13:~Two days till Birthday~

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Emersion, Legolas, Elladan, Aragorn, Elrohir and Gimli walked through the open ground. "We're two days from my father's castle. We should arrive in the morning in two days,"Emersion explained. And Elladan sighed, "Your father will kill you if you try to interfere," And Emersion turned to him, "I would die for her! How far would you go!?," And Elladan swallowed and Emersion turned away from him and continued down the road.

Gimli sighed, "I hope The Light elf is alright," And Legolas swallowed, "She's scared, Gimli. I can feel it," And Aragorn looked up at the elf, "What do you mean?," And Legolas sighed, "We have a bound. Just like our father has a bound with me and Elora, Elora and I have a sibling bound," And Aragorn nodded, "I'm sorry, Legolas. I can't even imagine how you feel," And Elladan sighed, "I can also feel Elora. Through our wedding bound. I hope she's alright," And Legolas sighed, "Let's go. We're almost there,"

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