Chapter 1:~Cristiana~

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A month later, a feast was held in The Light Kingdom.
What was a funny thing was that The Hobbits were also invited.
Elora was very admired by the youngest hobbits. But Emersion was even more admired since he was a wizard after all.
Elora smiled as she watched Emersion conjuring up a toy animal that looked like an eagle in his hand and handed it to Elanor, Samwise and Rosie's daughter, "This is a rare gift. Promise me you'll take care of him," And Elanor smiled and took the stuffed animal, "Thank you, great wizard,"Elanor smiled and turned to her parents, "Mother! Father! Look what I got!," And Sam smiled, "He's beautiful, my flower," And Emersion smiled, "I promise that I will come visit every new year to make a great show at New Year," And the hobbits children cheered and laughed in happiness. And Elora went over to Emersion, "Now, my children, you have to go and play alone for a while. But Emersion will come later, I promise. I just need to talk to him for a moment," And Emersion looked at her confused as she pulled him along.

"Elora, what's wrong?,"Emersion asked confused. And Elora looked at him teasingly, "You admire them," And Emersion smiled, "They're interesting creatures. You know why I love children and why I love spending time with them. You know that as a wizard, I can't have any. At least not in the way humans, elves, dwarves, and hobbits do. To be with you and other children is the only way for me to feel like a father," And Elora sighed, "I know," And Emersion sighed, "Elora, I'm 3800 years old. I'm going to live forever. And you and I will be parted one day. When you sail for Valinor, I will not be able to come with you since I'm not from there. I was born in Middle Earth as a wizard. I belong to one of the race of wizards that was not created by The Valar, but by The Darkness Queen. Her blood makes me immortal. And spending time with Hobbits children and other creatures, that's what I'm going to do for all eternity after you sail. Please don't say you're jealous," And Elora looked at him confused, "Of course I'm not. But you never gave me any stuffed animals," And Emersion chuckled, "I did. Do you know what you did with them? You threw them to the floor and told me you didn't want them or that you hated me when I was going to get you to bed," And Elora looked at him shocked, "I did not!," And Emersion smiled teasingly, "You did. Elora, I've known you since you were an infant. I've known you for 2032 years, I can tell everything you feel. I know when you're upset, angry, sad or happy, or when something is wrong. And I can tell when you're hiding something or lying to me. And I can tell now that you're worried about something," And Elora sighed, "Have you heard anything from Cristiana after Cirdan's defeat?," And Emersion smiled, "Yes, she's wondering how her daughter is," And Elora smiled, "Well, tell her I'm fine and that she's welcome in The Light Kingdom," And Emersion smiled.
"Elora, do I have your permission to return to the children now?," And Elora sighed, "Emersion, you're hiding something from me. You know something more about Cristiana. Is she alright?," And Emersion sighed, "She did not wish to hurt you. She loves you like her own daughter," "Emersion, please, I have to know,"Elora begged. And Emersion sighed, "Cristiana is dying. I visited her some days ago and found out that the soothing herbs she has been taken all those years didn't only stop her from having children, but it also poisoned her and made her weaker and sick. Elora... Cristiana is dying. And she can't even get up anymore," Elora felt a shock and pain grow inside of her. "Emersion, for how long has this been going on? Emersion, I want to see her. She should not be dying in that castle alone. How could you keep this from me?! She's my mother! She's the only real mother I've ever had," And Emersion sighed, "I know. I brought her to my estate you gave me after you became Queen. I've done what I can. But I'm afraid magic can't even save her now," And Elora sighed, "I want to see her! As soon as possible," And Emersion nodded, "Yes, I understand,"

In the Dark lake near The Dark Lands, Saruman walked and he used his magic to create a powerful spell, "Now, Dark One Hadrian, you shall soon be free thanks to The Last Light elf! And Middle Earth shall finally darken!," And he laughed wickedly.

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