Character information

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Ok so Naruto is like himself in cannon, except he is a lot smarter, though, till dense. He is like a genius in seals and in battle plans, and can change a plan mid battle. But its like a switch, he acts dumb (most of the time it is and act but sometimes he really is just dumb) mostly to throw people off, then he goes on to be like the best shinobi you could ever see on the battle field. He doesn't act like a prodigy, but to everyone that knows his true strength, prodigies don't even compare to his genius.

Naruto has made a name for himself around the whole shinobi land, even reaching most of the civilians. He is known for a very sadistic and violent side. He usually fights using anything for his advantage. If the environment is challenging to fight in, he would cast a jutsu to change it or cause destruction to level out the land. Very few could ever come close to him during a fight because of his speed and tactics. It would be unwise for you to underestimate him or betray his trust, the village must be careful around him. If they are not, they could lose a very important ally and make a bigger enemy.

Naruto always makes everything he does look easy, and he never does something without a reason. In the village he has sannin level rights, he is respected highly by all shinobi who are in high position or don't have a 10 foot pole up their ass. Sometimes the civilians are so driven by rage, the forget he is a shinobi because of his age. They don't even think he has been in the academy so they insult him for this when they find out he is a jinchuriki. The civilian counsel complain about him when they too find this out say that 'he is useless, he hasn't even been in the academy!'. But in reality, he just went into the academy at the age of four and came out a couple of months later just focusing on training, rather than moving up the ranks, which he did very quickly without gaining to much attention to himself, or just letting others take all the credit.

Character Description: bright blonde hair resembling the 4th hokage's in colour, it is long and a bit spiky and he wears it in a ponytail. Cerulean blue eyes with tan skin and wears his forehead protector around his neck. Three whisker marks on each cheek, six in total. His features looked more feminine then anything, he wasn't too tall but wasn't really small either, he was just under average for his height. He usually wore a fishnet shirt with a mostly black jacket over it with three orange stripes at the end of the arms and at the waist with the Uzumaki symbol on the back. He wore black anbu pants with his ninja tool pouch on his right thigh, he wore black ninja sandals and had a singular black ear piercing in his right ear. He had seals tattooed all over his body filled with weapons and letters, along with writing materials and summoning tattoos. In the next couple of chapters, he will have the hundred healings seal on his forehead, I see no reason not to tell you because I already put it in my overly long description.


So he acts like in cannon with everyone but Naruto. Naruto is the only one he will open up to and allow to help him.


He will mostly take after Minato, though, he will have a prankster Kushina-like side to him. That part of him is usually shown around people like Naruto and Kakashi, along with a couple of friends later on. Whenever the word 'prank' is mentioned, it is like there is a button pressed in his brain, when this happens, he think of as many prank ideas as he can think of. He uses more of an Uzumaki style in fighting, and usually stays quiet. He is polite and very well rounded in the shinobi arts.

Character Description: he has pale skin and red hair in a similar style to his father's, he has a shade of blue darker than Naruto's eye colour and three whisker marks on each cheek equaling to six. He will be tall for his age and will wear a red under shirt and black jacket on to, both bearing the Uzumaki symbol. He wore black anbu pants with his ninja tool pouch on his right thigh with black ninja sandals. He wears seals along his arms for his weapons and wears his forehead protector on his forehead.


She is still sadistic, but she doesn't really have the trauma from Orochimaru, but she does have many life threatening experiences.


Is like a really supportive uncle to Naruto and Menma, he also ha a bit of favouritism towards Anko.

Everyone else is like the same in cannon or jut have a bit of a different attitude 'cause I couldn't write the character properly. Let me know if there is someone else that would have a change of attitude in the story because of the circumstances I have added into this story. I'll probably make another one of these chapters later on.


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