Moving to the States - Trauma

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Author's P.O.V

Mitoshi woke up, groaning a bit, stretching his arms. He looked around, yawning as he got up. “Hmm...” He looked over at the clock, eyes widening as he realized he only had 1 hour before he was late, immedatly grabbing his towel and running into the bathroom.

<< 1 hour later >>

He rushed into the Office, his tie was out of place, his hair was a bit messy, his glasses were tilted, the principal almost laughed when he saw the poor man.

“Oh my, what side of the bed did you wake up on today? And your right on time,” The principal, Mitsumi, said, “I'm terribly sorry Ma'am, I uhm.. slept heavily and woke up late.” He bowed down respectfully, also as an apology.

She scoffed and chuckled, waving her hand as she told him to get up. “No need for that Mitoshi, you're okay, now go on quick, you've got a class to teach.” He nodded, smiling in relief, bowing his head down again, rushing out of the Office to his class, the Principal laughed a bit, watching the man. “Ah, how silly he is. We really are gonna miss him..”

<< in class >>

Students were chatting with each other, some were fooling around as they stood. Mitoshi entered the classroom, students immediatly rushing back to the seats and greeting him. He smiled and noddded,  “Thank you students, so how was your weekend?” They all responded with different answers, Mitoshi was their favorite teacher, as he wouldn't yell or give them that much work to do. Well, atleast that's what Mitoshi sorta thought.

About 70% of boys in the school had been keeping their eyes on the male for a while now, as he was short, cute, and easy going. Some of the girls have also been going crazy over him, about 40% of the school girls have fought over him in cafeterias, classes, libraries, restrooms, p.e rooms. He's the reason most of the students had to be sent to hospitals or the Police Station, yet... He doesn't know.

There was one time where Mitoshi got a love letter from one of his students, ofcourse being the adult he was, kindly turned it down, the student was sad but accepted it, later committing suicide. Except, your the only one who knows about this ;3

<< time skip >>

Mitoshi sighed, another day of class was finally done, he smiled and started packing his stuff. Suddenly, as he was busy packing, two hands suddenly grabbed his waist. Surprised, he flinched and immediately turned around, it was one of the students, a male student he was familiar with, as he once tutored him.

“U-Uhh... Ko-” Suddenly, the other was pushed onto the table, the pack of paper fell down, the student pinned the other to the table, “H-Hey! What a-are you doing-” Suddenly, he felt a grab at his belt, taking it off, Mitoshi immedatly kicked the guy away, watching as he fell to the floor. The scared teacher immediatly got up and ran out, his vision was sorta blocked as he started tearing up, flinching as he heard glass shatter behind him.

Not daring to look back, he ran to the Back Door exiting, he grabbed a key and immediately tried unlocking it, inserting the key and twisting it, he was suddenly grabbed. He winced in fear, kicking the male's leg as he was let go, opening the door and running out.

Running to his car, he unlocked it, opening it and going in, shutting it immedatly and locking it.

He waited, trying to catch his breath as he looked around, fear rushed through him. Trying to process whatever that had just happened, he looked back at Exit he took, it was closed.

He drove away, looking around as he did, checking his rear-view mirror multiple times as he was traumatized. Why did he do this? What was the reason? Was he following him? Questions rushed into his own head, only making him panic even more. Parking into the garage, he walked out of his car and went into the house, his brother was home, sitting on the couch, staring back as he entered the house.

“Hey bro.. How was work?”


Thanks for reading, still in the making so be patient-

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