Chapter 1

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I looked across the way, for the fourth time during this meeting. What the hell has gotten into me? Here I am, Stephanie. Ms. Quiet. Ms. Awkward, and yet, deep in the innermost regions of my belly was a rumbling. Was it the Panda Express I've eaten twice today? No, of course it's not. Why do I lie to myself? It's HIM.

Again I looked across the way, where he was standing. Long, and thin, with perfect dirty blonde hair swept to the side. How I would love to mess it up. Levi brand jeans and a well fitted work shirt, always accentuating his eyes. Oh God, his eyes. I had to look away again. They were the lightest of green, and so deep you just knew there was a lifetime behind them. What would I know, though? We hardly speak. Even on work related matters, where I can barely look up to see if he's noticed me. Still, he hardly speaks to anyone, other than his best friend. He's quiet. Reserved. Strong, and confident. He's perfect for me.

With that thought, I look to his face again, and to my horror, he's staring right at me!



I look away in shame, my heart beating faster than I can hide. Which is pretty fast, mind you. I wait another few seconds, which felt like an eternity, and sneak another look. Surprisingly, he's looking straight at me. Straight INTO me. I can not look away. His eyes are piercing the very fabric of my soul, and my mouth hangs open. He winks, and cracks a smile. My heart shatters into a million pieces.

The meeting ends, and I run away to the farthest reaches of the store I can manage. Although I could not manage much, because it's a busy night, and the lines are picking up by the front registers. I decide to help and drag my mind away from the long fingered clutches of Dylan.

Oh, Dylan...

Was he mocking me? Noticing my gaze, entertained by the notion? "Look at this girl, thinking I would ever like her. Hahaha!"

Oh, but that can't be right. He doesn't have an evil laugh. His laugh is hearty, and attractive. Oh, he's so attractive. The way he stands there, his mind on other things. Probably exciting things. How I could ever hope to-

"Nice customer service!"

My poorly avoided thoughts are graciously interrupted by the rudest customer. Screw you, irony. I apologize, and carry on scanning and bagging, until the lines die down enough for me to turn off my register's light. I check out the last customer, and decide it's time for a break.

Walking to the break room, the feeling starts again. Deep in my stomach. Fueled by the crooked grin of my favorite associate. As I'm approaching the doors to the back room, to my left comes swooping my deepest fear, the man who is my deepest passion.

Dylan almost runs me over, coming from the restroom. Falling backwards in my awkwardness he catches me, those toned and powerful arms holding me tight. I'm left breathless, his apologetic face staring down at me.

"I am so sorry, Stephanie! Are you ok?"

My brain wants to say "yes", but my heart wants to say "kiss me damn it!"

Thankfully, my brain wins over, and he pulls me to my feet, my legs weak and noddle-like from his touch.

"Damn it, I'm so sorry." He says with honest eyes. "I was trying to get to break during this rush. Can I make it up to you? Want something from the vending machine?"


Is he asking me to hang out? Is this really happening? In my surprise I anxiously agree, and follow him to the back, where the vending machines are located. He grabs us both a Pepsi, and after cracking it open and taking a sip, he looks down on me again, in the way he does.

Their Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz