Chapter One Voyage to Wizard City Part I: The Wizard Duel

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This all started this afternoon. My friends and I were in New York City. Lily and Sami were arguing because Lily pushed Sami into a large puddle.

"You almost killed me!" yelled Sami. Her eyes were as orange as a raging flame. That is not a good sign.

"Oh, stop complaining," said Lily, "you were in there for like five seconds."

"You know I can't touch water! I could have died!"

"But you didn't," reminded Lily, while she ate her cookie. Sami took her cookie.

"Give it back!" demanded Lily. Sami burned the cookie and gave the cookie ashes back to Lily.

"There you go," said Sami, laughing.

Sami kept on laughing until Lily pushed her into another puddle. Maya and I helped her out of the puddle. Her hair was soaking wet and wasn't moving.

"Why do it?" I asked.

"Cuz it's funny," said Lily, laughing with Ellen.

"Okay," I said, "the next person to push Sami into a puddle or any body of water, sleeps outside the cave tonight!"

"Thank you, Angela," said Sami, as she stood up from the puddle. Unfortunately, while we started walking again, Lily pushed Sami into a bigger puddle. We glared at her.

"Totally worth it," said Lily, laughing.

"I really hate her," mumbled Sami, as she stood up from the puddle for the third time.

"Can you guys stop pushing each other in puddles for two minutes?" Said Maya.

"Yeah,we have enough problems already," I said, "like the fact that we're out of decent food and that we have only one gold piece left and unless we find a way to make more money, we're all going to have to go hungry tonight."

"We're not gonna starve tonight, look," said Ellen, pointing at some wizard boys having a wizard duel. Wizard duels are very common. My friends and I are sorta pros at it. After you lose a duel, you must cough up money or something that you wagered on before the duel. My friends and I don't have wands, but we can still use our hands to cast spells.

"We can't duel them," said Maya.

"Why not?" asked Sami, "we can take those four dorks."

"We can't duel them because we might not have much to offer up if we lose," I said.

"Well, what do we have?" asked Lily.

Ellen searched through our travel bag. "Let's see," said Ellen, "We have one gold piece, our spell books, some nuts, a couple of rocks, and nuts that look like rocks, no wait...these are just more rocks."

"Why are rocks in our travel bag?" asked Sami.

Maya looked nervous. "Well defiantly not because I've been putting rocks in your sleeping bag every night for the past week if that's what you're thinking," she said. Ellen threw out the rocks.

"No wonder my sleeping bag was so lumpy and hard," said Sami.

"I'm surprised you didn't figure it out," said Maya, "anyway, do we have anything else?"

"Well," said Ellen, still searching, "Some of Angela's herbs, Sami's books, a hair tie, a box of raisins.....hey, what are these Lily?" Ellen pulled out a bag filled with cookies and gummy worms.

"You can't prove those are mine," denied Lily.

"The cookie you were eating looks exactly like the cookies in this bag," said Ellen.

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