Her toes wiggled in an attempt to warm up against the chilled stone, and she kept her eyes forward as Peter huffed angrily and called out to see if anyone was there. His voice only echoed off the walls, and there was no response.

Amara frowned, biting her lip and rubbing at her eyes. She already had a handful of ideas of what Remedy would want with the both of them. She heard the horror stories of what they did. She saw with her own eyes mutants that came back from being imprisoned by this corporation.

Her and Peter weren't exactly just any mutants, either. They were both part of a group that went directly against their beliefs, destroyed much of their work, and probably set them back months in their research. Not only were they mutants, but these were mutants they were angry at. More so than the others.

She knew that the both of them would be lucky to make it out of this alive.

Peter huffed again and went to sit down on the stone wall to her right, and she was grateful he finally learned to keep quiet.

Amara couldn't tell how much time had passed. All she knew was that her ass hurt like hell, her stomach was rumbling lightly, and the temperature only seemed to be getting colder.

Every once in a while she would glance at Peter, who had his legs stretched out in front of him as he looked up at the ceiling. His long, silver hair was slightly limp since it was damp, and she noticed that he had a nasty burn on the side of his neck. He still had quite a few scuff and dirt marks across his face, but she knew she only looked worse.

Amara swallowed thickly, her throat feeling dry. She picked at the dirt in her nails to pass the time, but that only seemed to make her more anxious.

The light coming from the window was beginning to fade when the mutants finally heard the sound of footsteps. Heavy, moderate footsteps, echoing off the stone walls and sending a different, nervous chill down her spine.

Her eyes moved over to Peter, and luckily, he was already looking at her. As much as she hated to admit it, Amara had no idea where she was, and without her mutation, there was probably no way for her to get out alone. She may hate him to bits, but he was the only one even remotely on her side. He was her best chance at getting out of the prison.

He seemed to be thinking the same thing. Peter nodded at Amara and crawled over to her side, where they both crouched on their feet and put on scared expressions. She inhaled a shaky breath as she tried to listen to the footsteps. Judging by how many there were, she guessed at least four people were on their way.

They were getting closer, and her heart beat a little faster as she continued to listen and look out the bars at the other side of the room.

Her stomach dropped when the first man came to stand in front of the bars, along with another five behind him. Each of them were clad in thick black military uniforms, the Remedy logo displayed on their upper arms and weapons encased in all of the little pockets.

Their faces were dirty, much like Peter's was, and when they showed their evil grins, Amara noticed they had something black along their teeth and gums.

Carefully, she leaned a little more into Peter and gave them her best innocent eyes.

"W-where are we?" she stuttered, keeping her voice weak.

Each of the men chuckled, some of them leaning against the bars while others hit the shoulders of their colleagues.

"Paradise," one in the back answered.

"What do you want with us?" Peter asked, his voice just as fragile. She looked between the five of them, keeping her eyes wide.

"Oh, you're about to find out," the head man said, twirling the toothpick between his lips with a nasty grin. Some of the dirt crumbled away from his dark skin, making Amara internally cringe. "Gonna take you to see the doc, now, so you gotta be on your best behavior."

"A-are... are you gonna hurt us?" she whispered.

"Aw, sunshine," the man chuckled. "You don't want me to answer that question."

He spit out the toothpick and pulled a keyring from his belt, which rattled and clanged against the metal of the bars. Amara and Peter stood up slowly, and the door swung open, allowing the men to file into the room.

As soon as the first man reached for them, the mutants attacked.

Amara grabbed the man's hand and twisted it behind his back while Peter completely tackled the second. She reached up to slam the man's head against the bars and ducked under the swing of the next man, then grabbed onto his arm and stretched it out so she could ram her hand up as hard as she could. The man screamed out in pain as his arm snapped and she threw him off to the side. 

Her bare feet slipped under her as a third man shoved her into a wall, but Peter was able to throw him off and punch him in the face. Amara tripped the man with her leg before standing up and pushing the next man onto the wall, but she cried out in pain when a hand suddenly smacked into her throat. She stumbled back and gasped for breath, then groaned out as someone grabbed onto her hair and slammed her head onto the bars, once, then again, then again.

Amara's body fell to the floor in a heap, and three pairs of arms kept her pinned to the stone. She blinked rapidly to try focusing her eyes, only to see Peter was in the same position as her.

Both mutants struggled under the grips they were held in. She gasped for breath when she watched the main man step onto Peter's back and wrap a thick metal band around his neck, despite his obvious struggle. The band hummed as it clipped together and began to glow a red color on the inside against his skin, and the same happened when the main man reached down to cuff Peter's hands behind his back.

The man then moved over to trap Amara in the same situation before she was aggressively stood up with painful grips on her arms.

"You're lucky they want you alive, sunshine," the man chuckled, taking the blade of one of his knives and tracing the tip of it along her cheek.

She glared at him, but her eye contact didn't last long, since she tripped over her feet being forced out of the cell. 


w/c: 1820

a/n: so she chose to work with peter and treat him as an ally... do you think this was a good call?? please vote, comment, and share if you enjoyed, and more should be coming soon!! xx

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