Coffee or coco?

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I sat down on the couch at kel's I have had a long day. And was thirsty. Would I want coffee or coco?

"Hey man I made some coffee and coco." Kel said.
"Witch one is better?" I asked.
"Coco" "coffee" we both said at the same time.

"Just take you coffee." He said.
"Yea thanks." I said drinking it.
"So what are you gonna do?" Kel asked.
" Never speak to him? Block him?" He added.
"Well I don't want to block him but yes I'll not talk anyways we have school tomorrow." I said.

"Yes I'll be there." He said waving.
"Yes thanks kel." I said opening the door waving back.
I walked down the street to my house my hand touched the door knob as I saw Aubrey and sunny coming back. I shut the door fast as I entered.

"Hey basil. Did you have dinner yet?" Polly asked.
"Yes it was coffee." I said.
"Drink some water first coffee always made me have a trouble to sleep." She said.
"Mhm okay Polly." I smilled.

I drank water went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and then went to my room and laid down I could of not stop thinking of today I grabbed my blanket and went to bed.

(The morning)

I woke up got dressed and got ready. I got out and saw Aubrey I tried to walk faster so she would of not seen me but then kel shouted my name.

"Hey basil come on!" Kel shouted. I looked behind my and Aubrey looked like she was coming up to say something but I ran to kel as we walked to the school.

(3rd person pov/view)
Basil and kel rushed to the school got in and put there bags and stuff away in the locker. Then a familiar person with black haired walked up to them.

(Basil's pov)
I turned around and saw sunny looking at me that's when I first nervous.

"What do you want sunny?" Kel said.
"I'm sorry it was a dare and a bet I never wanted this to happen and hurt you but I'm dating Aubry and have always been while we were as well I'm so sorry it's always just been like this us together your nice kind funny and smart but like we need to break up." Sunny said.

"We were never together so why say." I said slamming the locker door shut.

"See basil I'm sorry I really never meant for this but a dare is a dare." He said.

Before kel said anything I said something instead.

"I don't give no fuck about this dare your lucky I didn't tell I already new by the look on aubrey's face she was always jealous and at the movie that time with Mari there and hero I saw the wink no one else did so I thought you were dating untill you said you'd like me. never did it was me." I said.

"Basil bro no swearing dude." Kel said.
"We're having a talk kel." Sunny said glaring.

"You know what I don't cover for you no more. It was sunny! Sunny killed Mari. He made it look like a suicide!" I shouted.

I heard gasps as Aubrey touched Sunny's shoulder.
"What?" She said looking at him.

"You helped to!" Sunny shouted pointing at me.

"Yea I did your lucky I didn't tell cuz then your ass would be in jail." I said.

" Just shush I don't have time for bullshit right now." Aubrey said as she grabbed Sunny's arm and left.

"Bro why the fucking cussing watch your language."
"Yea you should watch that fucking language" Kim said out of no where.

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