Chapter um 17? idk

566 8 17

(I'm gonna try my best to put drama in here lol-)

I walked up to Sunny's house. I knocked on the door. I looked at my phone it was 9:50am. Was this to early? He hasn't answered. He's probably asleep or I can text him.

  Hey sunny I'm outside of your house are you awake?

No reply or no read. He must be asleep or not here. I opened the door slightly. I walked up the stairs. I knocked on the door. Nothing I heard a movement. Is he waking up? Sunny opened the door picking his head out.

"Hi sorry you weren't answering me. So I wanted to see if you were awake.." I said. "Well um yea I didn't answer sorry um bye." He said shutting his door. What's up with him. I then heard another voice in there sounded like Aubry oh just of been playing games with each other or there hanging out and I runied it. I half to stop thinking he only will hang out with me. I walked down the stairs to outside and walked to kel and hero's. I knocked on the door. Kel opend and did a signal to come in. Hero must of been at college.

"So makes us the only single ones in the friend group haha." Kel said. Oh yes he doesn't know I'm dating Sunny dose he?

"Oh who is Aubry dating? Is it Kim!" I said with big large glowing eyes. "Ha! No? You didn't know? I thought you knew sunny and Aubry are dating? Basil didn't sunny tell you you guys hang out all the time?" He said.

"Wait there dating?!" I said. As I looked down at my phone.
"Yea I mean Aubry was rejected but now she isn't." Kel said siting on the couch. I slowly sat next to him looking down.

"Why you so sad?" Kel said. I looked at him and looked at my phone that was still in my hands.

"Well kel I don't think I can trust sunny anymore." I said.
"Wait what?! Why?" He said looking at me.
I sat in a way that my knees were up to !y chin I felt as I began to cry.

"Wait? What's wrong basil." Kel said pating my back.
"Well cause me and sunny were dating but it was a secret and know he cheated on me." I said.

"What?! Hey it could be pretending! They told me they were gonna go to the beach later we can spy?" Kel said with a huge smile.

"But what would that do?" I said.

"To see if there actually dating duh!" He said.

(Later at spying)

"Okay there they are!" Kel shouted wispeard.
"Look there holding hands oh this so a bad idea." I said.
"No no Friends hold hand! Don't call them out yet. Hurry! There leaving!" Kel said grabbing my hand and running up to the next spot. He let go of my hand.

"Look there justing siting down and eating see friends?" Kel said.
"Yeah but-" I was cut off as I heard loud laughing.
I looked and Aubry and sunny were laughing at each other.

"Nah we're just gonna break up now." I said crying pulling out my phone.

"No basil! Not yet!" Kel shouted wispeard.
It was near night now.
" Look there heading back soon it's dark see there just friends I think?" Kel said.

Then we both looked.
And sunny and Aubry were kissing holding each other's hands.

I stood up.
"Okay basil! Go!" Kel shouted loudly.

Sunny and Aubry looked at me standing I felt so scared and felt I was gonna throw up from embnaremsemt.

"Ah! Basil I! We! It was!" Sunny tired to talk.

I began to cry.

"I...I! I! Sunny it''s done!" I shouted running.

"Ah! Basil wait up!" Kel shouted standing up.

"Kel your here to?!" Aubry shouted.

"Can believe you would do this sunny and you to Aubrey!" Kels shouted chasing after basil.

"I shit!" Aubry said.
"We're screwed. Now we're gonna. Lose kel." Sunny said.
"Yea thanks to basil." Aubry said walking away.

See it was just a bet sorry basil.....

Flower boy and the violinist(Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora