Movie night

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I was over at my house kel sunny and Aubry came over Aubry brought a girl over named Kim. Aubry blushed a whole lot Everytime she talked to her. Ohhh~ I see lesbian nice.

I sat by sunny. And Aubry cuddled with her girlfriend. Kel was already falling asleep.

(Time skip)
The movie finished. Everyone was asleep. Sunny got up. "Where you going?" I asked.

"Oh I thought you were asleep like the rest if you wanna come up stairs and watch a show movie up stairs with me you can." He said. I nodded and followed behind.

We got to his room and both sat on his bed sharing a blanket. He grabbed the romote . "What do you wanna watch?" He asked. " I want to watch adeveture time best cartoon!" I said smiling. He smiled back and put it on. He looked at his phone and scrolled through. I took a glance. Looked like he was looking at post's. Who's though? Is that mine? Never mind.

I laid down. I fell asleep.


I woke up. I looked around. Right I was staying over at Sunny's. I looked at sunny who was still asleep who was hugging onto me tight.

I kissed his forehead. And closed me eyes. I opened them back up to see sunny woke up.

"Hi." I said smilling nervously.
"Good morning." He said. He got up and stretched.
"I'm going to check if the others are here." I said getting up.

I opened the door and walked down. Kim the girl who was here with Aubry was awake siting in the kitchen on her phone.

I walked over into the kitchen opening the fridge. Getting milk out and closed and went to get a cup.

"So how do you know Aubry?" She asked.
"Friends from bands." I said.
"Your in a band?" She asked.
"Um no but she was in the music club and I was friends with someone there and we were friends and neighbors she's a nice caring person." I said.

She smiled.
"Well I'm Kim." She said pushing up her glasses puting her phone down.  "I'm basil." I said getting s cup then pouring milk into the cup.

"You live here." She asked.
"Oh! No I have a good um... Relationship with the person who lives her sunny the one with the black hair he's nice." I said smiling.

"Nice." She said looking back at her phone. I put the milk back and sat and drank out of the cup. Sunny came down in a hoddies and pants.

"Hey basil wanna change into something else?" He asked.
"Oh no I'm fine." I said smilling.
"Sup." Kim said.
"Oh hi kim awhile so you and Aubry dating hmm?" He asked.
"Ohhh~ I would also like to know to you two look so cute!" Is aid putting my chin into my hands.

"Well yea basically." She said nervous and blushing.

I giggled and squealed.

"That's nice congrats on you to." Sunny said.

"Yes thanks." She said smiling.

I walked duo to Sunny's room to get my phone I left to check some stuff in case polly called. Polly was my guardian but has been having problems lately so I'm very worried.

I checked my messages.

"Hey basil sorry I will try to make it back tomorrow I feel awful." She said with a sad face.

I smiled.

"It's okay polly I'm fine Ive been staying a few nights at Sunny's."
Read 7:58

"What you doing?" Sunny's asked looking at my phone.

I jumped. "Ah! You scared me just texting polly she said she'll make it tomorrow." I said smiling.

"Nice." He said.

I turned around and sunny kissed me.
I kissed back. And closed my eyes. I then opened them and Sunny's looked at me.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.
"Did Ryan do that to your face." He said angerly.
"Yea but I'm fine." I said kissing his cheek and running down the stairs and outside. I then walked down the side walk.

When I got there nihachu what there. "Hey girl." I said letting her nihachu was my fluffy tiger kitty. I let her inside. And walked inside.

Flower boy and the violinist(Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora