Later Later

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Meanwhile with Eret.....

Eret was walking around because he was always cooped up in his castle "I wonder where everyone is at..."

Eret feels like someone is watching him so he stops.

Eret looks around till he spots someone "Who is you?"



Someone jumped out the bush next to them "Hello!!"

"HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" the smaller falls backwards and ends up on the ground in a position that looked like it was dead.

Eret jumped back in surprise "WHAT THE FUUUUUUCC-"

"Sorry- give me a second" Ponk ties one of his sleeves back to reveal a missing arm "Alright anyways- Hello!"

The child was still looking dead.

"Oh. Did I scare you?"

|In the corner of Eret's eye he saw Sapnap and Karl heading towards the community house.|

Eret was still in shock that Ponk only had 1 arm.

The small stuck up their middle finger while still being on the ground.

"Oops?" Ponk looked at the child and then back at Eret.

"Dude what happened to your arm?"

The child stood up then kicked him on one of his kneecaps and ran off to a tree.

"Oooh. Right that- ow- um anyways"
"The arm- how do I explain this-"

"In anyway you can."

"So I may or may not of had stolen 11 keycards to the prison. Long story short I was tortured and then got my arm cut off. Yeaaa so that's that-" Ponk looks at his arm.

"Excuse me?" Eret was surprised and angry at the same time.
One of his eyes twitched and had a little vain popping out but no one could tell because of his sunglasses and hair.

Ponk looked back up "It- it doesn't matter. What happened happened."

"Hm.." Eret was still annoyed with hearing what happened.

"At least Sam- didn't take a cannon life right? Right?"

"Uh-Huh..." Eret said without annoynce even tho he was.

"Yeaaa, um how's your life been?" Ponk looks at Eret.

"Its been alright! Other than almost getting killed at a party... I've been good!" Eret wasn't annoyed with what happened. He knew Quackity could've stopped what happened to foolish.

"Right, the- the banquet.." Ponk started getting a little nervous.

Eret noticed Ponk's nervousness "sigh. It's not your fault about what. Foolish told me what you told him."

Ponk felt relieved "he did? Thank god- I was getting a little scared. I haven't told everyone yet- so..."

"Hey it's fine." Eret inhaled for a moment "Tbh I think the only reason y'all listen to the egg is because you guys want something. And it made a promise, correct me if I'm wrong?"

Ponk looked down "Yea, it did promise us something in return. Bad is taking it to far.. Sadly I can't get rid of it now" Ponk sighed "I'm glad someone gets it."

"I figured out Ant's reason I have a theory on Bads. But I'm not 100% sure yet. Can I ask your reason?" Eret ask eagerly wanting to help Ponk.

"I-" Ponk inhaled a bit "It promised revenge on Sam and obviously an arm." Ponk sighed looking at his arm "Im so used to having one arm but I'd like my other one back.."

"What if Charlene helps with that?"

Ponk stares at Eret for a second "Wait who-?"

"Charlene, this slime child that keeps following me." Eret points to a small slime next to him that's surrounded by dream blobs.

Ponk looks down at the slime "They look like that one slime person that's always with Quackity.."
"But smaller."

"Mhm. That's what I said but when I asked her about it she just said all slimes are related."

"Interesting.. She won't KILL him right?"

"No?" Eret said questionably while looking down at the slime "You won't, right?"

"Hm?" The smaller replied "Uh-huh no killed him."

"I wanna lock him in a similar small room. With lava and poison ya know?" And then of course Charlene can help but I want him to experience that same thing I did." Ponk has a grin growing on his face.

"So the torture he did to you?" Charlene asked innocently.

"Yep! Just without taking an arm. That's something not even he should go through.."

"Okay!" Charlene smiled "can't promise anything with the arm tho..." she mumbled under her breath but was too quiet to only be barely heard by the blobs could hear.

"Just- don't hurt him to bad. We still want him alive- to keep dream in prison. That's also why he needs both his arms-" Ponk smiled at her.

"M'kay!" Charlene smiled, 'but I don't want dream to be in prison that's because of Quackity..' "no hurt to bad! Got it! remember that blobs..."

"Cool! Now what should we do?" Ponk looks at Eret.

"Hmmm.... Should plan it? Or would you like to see if we could get Ant to help?" Eret asked looking up from Charlene and her blobs.

"We should plan it. I know what he's afraid of so this'll be easy." Ponk's grin came back.

"Okay then, let's plan it..." Eret smile from the L'manburg war returned on his face.

"Okay I'ma help Ant then..." Charlene said to her blobs.

A/N: This good so far? I can't tell tbh- but like- we did this awhile ago before the knew stuff as well as my ghost Connor book- so stay tuned for the next chapter-

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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