He passes me a note saying why I turn my head? I look next to me and tell him because I can. He laughed but I didn't see anything funny.

The end of the day finally here turns out Troy in almost all my classes. I look for May and see she is waiting for me at the door with Troy and who I think is his brothers.

May sees me and pulls me ahead of the boys. " Best friend?" She asked "THEY GONNA WALK HOME WITH US" she yell I tell her what was the point of yelling in my ear if even they could hear you. The boys start laughing and she tells me just be nice. I said fine.

We waited for them to catch up and she pushed me next to Troy.

Troy tall like like 6'4, he's brown skin like in the middle not to light but to dark, he has light brown eyes, he has waves but from the look of it he can wear his hair curly too, he has straight teeth, and he has tattoos but not to many but not a lil from wut I can see.

Some on his neck,hands and arms look like they all have a meaning behind them. He looks at me and tells me if I like what I see just say that while laughing. I roll my eyes and tell him nobody is staring.

We finally got back to the house but before I walked in he told me to twerk again. He enjoyed the view from this morning. Fuck I said outside I forgot I opened the windows so of course he saw me twerking. May laughs and tells me it's alright there is nothing to be ashamed about; her best friend can twerk her ass off.

I tell her she damn right while twerking and sticking out my tongue. She plays some music and joins me. This time I closed the windows before twerking. I wasn't gonna be slow again.

After all that twerking me and May go make some food and head to our rooms. I put on some tv while I do my homework and eat.

I don't know what happened but I think I fell asleep because I woke up and it was the last good thing I got my homework done. I get up because I'm thirsty so I head to the kitchen to grab a glass of apple juice.

I open the windows while I take a sip of apple juice and see Troy and his brothers smoking outside. Damn Troy looks fine but he ain't gonna no though I guess Troy saw me because he started walking to me.

I go over to the door and open it quietly so May wouldn't wake up and shut it soft. "Hey Arie" Troy said "Hey Troy" I said back. " What are you doing?" he asked. " I was asleep but I got thirsty," I said.

"Why don't you talk" he asked " Because I guess their fr be nothing to say tbh" I told him " Nah you seem cool asf though" he said " Yeah a lot of people say that when they 1st meet me but they always change they mind after they get to know me" I told him.

"Mmm" he said while still smoking. I sit on the steps with Troy right next to me. "Alright well let me decide that for myself" he said I nod my head confused but May always says I can't always be scared to let someone in.

" What's your favorite color?" He asked " Red but I also like Maroon and Mint Green." I told him, " What's yours?" I asked him back " Red" he said " You live here your whole life?" He asked " Yea but not on this block me and May moved out our parents house and moved here to get a new start."

He nod his head " Why you move here ain't nothing for real happen here but shoot outs and drug dealers sell here." I said " Well I moved because I wanted a new start even though I ain't leaving my way of living alone" I nod my head not knowing what he meant but I don't feel like it was the best to ask right now.

"Why don't you have a man" he asked with a smirk. " How you know I was single?" I asked him " Because if you did you would of been said it" he said " Well it's just for the betta if I don't have a nigga I guess" I said with my head down.

"What you mean" he said " Well it seems like when ever I do get in a relationship I get cheated on or someone I'm close to doesn't like him so we end" I told him " Well fuck them niggas mamas" I look at him confused he just call me mamas?

" Did you just call me mamas" I said with a confused look on my face. " Yea that's your nickname" I nod my head then punch him on his arm but accidentally sipped my juice on his shirt.

"Aye mamas it's alright" he said taking his shirt off. He had even more tattoos on him, some on his back and chest but still the right amount of tattoos though. He smiles and sits right back next to me.

" Why you calling me mamas didn't you hear me say dating ain't for me" I said " Because I ain't them niggas you gonna be mine just watch mamas" he said with a smirk on his face.

I couldn't help but have a smile on my face " You should smile more mamas it looks good on you" he said. I don't know why but I laid my head on his shoulder watching the stars look so pretty.

" You like the stars huh" he asked " Yeah they so calm and peaceful no drama up there" I said " You know I might not no everything about you but I can tell you them people that left your life was stupid you something special" he said

I smiled because it's been a long time since I heard someone say something that sweet. We watched the stars for a little bit then we talked for the rest of the night.

The boy across the street Where stories live. Discover now